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Mel's Hole:The Best Mystery I Ever Knew

Started by Scotty, February 21, 2006, 12:52:59 PM

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Is there a truly bottomless pit???

Mel's Hole - a supposed bottomless hole located near
Manastash Ridge in Ellensburg Washington as related by Mel Waters on national radio.

I have heard him on 3 separate occasions in the coast 2 coast radio archive for Paltalk and I was blown away at his story. This guy moved to the country side six years ago, bought allot of acher's and found an old Well in his yard. Thinking it's an ordinary Rock Well , he dropped a pebble to find the bottom for water. No plunk in the water so he dropped bigger and bigger rocks and objects into the hole. It got to the point of him scratching his head and thinking..."Were the hell is the bottom?".  Mel borrowed a long rope and coil from his neighbors down the road. He tied a lifesaver at the end and lowered it down. He even bought a huge fishing spool and dropped it in the Well with a weight at the end. Nothing would work so he said..."Alright then!"..."Time to through away that big old fridge, that will do it".

The phones a couple of friends and they position the fridge at the top of the hole and let her go! Mel and his friend stood there for hours and didn't hear a thing. Mel phones up the media for coverage and claims that he not only may have the Genius World Record for the deepest hole, but also that it seems to be, bottomless. That following month, the military shows up and apparently was listing to Mel's story with Art Bell on the radio! They (illegally) kicked Mel out of his own house and Ranch and framed him a druggy running a drug lab! The military brought armed guards to section off the road and hulled a number of portables for scientists to the location.

This amazing story is still in progress and Art has regrets for getting Mel into trouble for his discovery.

Mel is currently searching for top notch lawyers to tackle his story and illegal conflict and get his property back to its rightful owner.

There are transcripts of the show at Mel's site but I just got to find the audios.

Read the hole site here...
Like in the days of Noah....It shall come to pass, on a Fiery-day...

Zak Roy Yoballa

While Mel may have been framed and has a very unique geological formation, there is no such thing as a bottomless pit.  It is impossible.  What probably happens is the acustics of the hole prevents most of the noise from escaping.  

This is exactly thew kind of illegal search and seizure America needs to stand up against however.  Every tyrant in the past basically started off this way.  Get into a power posistion, start pulling the strings from behind the scenes, start testing the waters by taking over certain areas, take over the country.  

Can you tell I'm a little cranky this morning?

Neat post Scottyboy!
Your attitude is the only thing they can't take from you.


Mel's a Tyrant?

Didn't see the coming.

I usually drink coffee in the morning it helps. Life gets people a little down without a hint of  TLC or fantasy. Throw me a bone of science and logic and I'll find that your life, is...well...bland.
Like in the days of Noah....It shall come to pass, on a Fiery-day...

Zak Roy Yoballa

The American government is the tyrant not Mel! :wink:

Hate coffee, love Diet Coke

Your attitude is the only thing they can't take from you.


I agree w/ Zak Roy Yoballa, coffee sucks. :x   also, Da U.S. is the worst tyrant mchine ever!!   I mean, it's worse than Hitler!!!!!!!  No offense to Jews, Hitler was BAD


I think that the US may not be the worst country for tyranny, as they do not commit super mass murder like Israel or Zimbabwe, but they do kill thousands abroad, and support and fund the killing of Palestinians. They also do do a lot of covert operations. And yes, Gnomes do rock...

Anyway :focus:

Maybe the government knows about something that is in the pit that they have been looking for? This is all sounding too familiar! oh wait, I remember - The X Files. That show really did depict things as they really are.
The Last day is near, and unless the Christians, Muslims and Jews unite against it which is tearing them apart - the devil, we will all perish


Ah, I can feel the skeptic in me struggling to get out and scream here...

First off, Mel's story about what happened to him sounds off-key to me for a few reasons.

1) The military? Which branch? Just saying "the military" means nothing. They could have been national guardsmen, in which case their orders would have come through the governor's office. In any event, he needs to start asking questions like what division they were, where are they based, and who was the CO in charge of the operation. Answers to those questions can lead to written records, which would be a big step in providing actual evidence that all this took place.

2) The military has no authority to arrest a civilian on criminal charges, except when martial law has been declared. There would have had to been civil authorities there (a county sheriff, most likely) in order to make an arrest.

3) Why is everyone having such a hard time finding his old property? How long did he live there? If he could phone friends and have them drive over without getting lost, why can't he simply give the same directions to others and have them go there and see this hole for themselves? Now I live in Washington State, and I realize that the area outside Ellensburg is pretty much the epitome of the sticks, but if there's a road, you can get to it...the "military" doesn't have brain-scrambling devices to get you lost and keep you from finding the area.  8-)
"It is no measure of health to be sane in an insane society." -- Krishnamurti

"I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use." -- Galileo Galilei

M Sidhe

Shadowborn, I totally agree with you, and I want to know why the miltariy were so interested. Going to throw some Commies down the hole, use it as a secret weapon during the Cold War, aye? :lol:

Seriously though, what would the military do with a bottumless pit besides throw people down? :P

It could have been a very deep hole, I just remembered hearing the some wells were dug deeper than 800 some feet, thats deeper than Loch Ness! *shudders*


Exactly. The only reason I could see for someone to take an interest in this hole would be as a safety precaution. I know they have free range cattle in that area, and if the hole is big enough to dump a fridge down, it would be big enough for a cow to fall into. If he didn't have the land fenced, it could be a problem.

Then again, perhaps it's linked to the mysterious Russian holes in the other thread. The government was worried that Mel dumping all that crap down the hole would disturb the molemen and provoke a war.  *<:)
"It is no measure of health to be sane in an insane society." -- Krishnamurti

"I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use." -- Galileo Galilei

M Sidhe

Do you mean the Russian Hell Hole, that is a fake.

A moleman war breaking out in America would turn down our image... :P


The hole to hell!  :lol: I haven't seen anything about that in ages...

No, I was talking about this thread here: Apparently the molemen are digging up Russian real estate.
"It is no measure of health to be sane in an insane society." -- Krishnamurti

"I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use." -- Galileo Galilei

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