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Works of Robert R. McCammon

Started by prezhorusin04, June 18, 2006, 03:34:26 PM

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Any Robert R. McCammon fans at the forum? I haven't read a lot of his books, but am currently finishing up a great title, BAAL...

'Boys Life' is a really good book too, as well as 'They Thirst', and 'Blue World'. He's got a brand new series out entitled 'Speaks the Nightbird'.. Anybody gotten into McCammon's works before? He's got some great stuff.. I hear 'Swan Song' is excellent..

Bethany's Sin
Blue World
Boy's Life
Gone South
Mystery Walk
The Night Boat
Swan Song
They Thirst
Usher's Passing
The Wolf's Hour
Speaks the Nightbird (published in paperback in two volumes: Judgment of the Witch and Evil Unveiled)
Queen of Bedlam— forthcoming sequel to Speaks The Nightbird


Despite some religious undertones with BAAL, it was great.. If you see a used copy somewhere, you should seriously consider picking it up. It's definitely worth the read.. Especially since this was McCammon's very first published book...

I'm about a quarter of the way through "Swan Song" at the moment..

At an epic 956 pages, it will probably take a couple more weeks to finish, but it's hard to put down as well.....

"He is the man with the Scarlet Eye, a malevolent force that feeds on the dark desires of the countless followers he has gathered into his service. His only desire is to find a special child named Swan-- and destroy her. But those who would protect the girl are determined to fight for what is left of the world...and their souls.

"In a wasteland born of rage, populated by monstrous creatures and marauding armies, the last survivors on earth have been drawn into the final battle between good and evil that will decide the fate of humanity...."


Swan Song was a masterpiece, and every bit as good as 'The Stand' which is in the same vein as the theme of this work (end times apocalyptic horror and suspense).. I highly recommend this book if you're looking for an entertaining tale with vision and meaning, layered with many interesting characters and plot twists that will keep you turning pages until the unpredictable finale! Can't believe i didn't read this book sooner...

Now I'm reading "The Wolf's Hour" another work by McCammon..


The long awaited return of Robert McCammon, after a decade's long absence....

Recently released....

Available this year.....

Highly recommended author......

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