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Mirror Mask

Started by prezhorusin04, June 30, 2006, 07:03:29 AM

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Can't recommend this film enough...................


It is very good I agree, but something about it creeps me out. It's like you get this feeling that you've seen it before even though you haven't. My personal favorite is The Sphinx Lady. I love the Sphinx. Again, I agree, great show. Definately worth your time.
Never try to understand me. It's pointless.
I am always learning, therefore
My mind, like the wind, is ever changing.

Member of the AdG fanclub


Glad you liked this film Ericka.. Yeah, i'm a big fan of Neil Gaiman and his work on "The Sandman" series. His "American Gods" novel is also excellent and highly recommended. It was nice to see that he and Dave McKean were able to produce a successful and visually stunning film where they were both happy with the finished product..

I didn't know exactly what to expect with MirrorMask, but it exceeded my expectations. Fans of the films "The Dark Crystal" and "Labyrinth" will definitely enjoy this one.. Hope they'll work on another film together someday.. :-)


i loved it too...the imagery, the story was good, sort of a prince and pauper for those on psychedlics.

very creative, i was excited about it when i first read about it being made in a scifi book being sold at blockbuster, it seems they were discussing how a creator of labrynth was involved.  Loving labrynth, naturally i was excited, but all the different facets of mirrormask exceeded any article i read discussing it's creation.
"The world that God made is inherently comprised of relationships, symmetries, analogia, anagogy, poetic wisdom. Thus is the language of symbolism."


awesome movie just got the sound track and i couldent be happier with it.

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