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Is God an UFO!?!?!

Started by westerhaus!, July 30, 2006, 08:22:34 PM

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alright...  well we can't say this is entirrrrely impossible, being that none will ever know what true reality is.  traditionally, "God" is a being that rules over all.  not just our world, but the areas outside as well.
so here's a thought....  and this is from my knowing of christianity.  I'm not really basing this on all religions.

"God" is a word for a collective group of extraterrestrials, organisms of another dimension, or any other being that we don't understand.  these creatures come to Earth in the very very early dawn of humanity.  we'll say that "humans" were "monkeys" back then.  let's see....  well the beings mated with the "humans", passing on genes of incredible intelligence and dominative properties.  this leaves us with 2 sides....   one side of our being is inherited from beings of another world/time/dimension/etc.  the other side of our being is that of natural Earth.  this explains how we are so so so incredibly more advanced than other animals of the planet.  one may argue that say... a dolphin or a chimp is very intelligent.  then again, are these creatures really comparable to us?  are they a threat to Earth's composition and environment?  do they pose a threat to virtually every living, breathing organism on Earth?  no.  the thought that one half of our ancestry comes from the beings is a reason for the fact that we are such an outlandish species and have the intelligence and power to completely dominate virtually all of the Earth's natural wildlife.   also, half of our ancestry would be Earthly.  this explains our similiarities to Earthly mammals and animals.    this means we have a distinct ancestry from both sides: natural Earthly creatures and dominative beings from another "place".  

however, with the mating occured, we would not inherit all aspects of the beings and their full intellect.  our minds are very similar to that of animals.  perhaps this is also the reason why we are not able, as a whole body of species to determine an absolute reason for why we are here on Earth.  it is outside of our reasoning.  the other animals of Earth don't seem to know either, so neither do we.  it is an inherited unknowing.  we can only speculate, but we never really have a TRUE answer as to why we're here.

alright...  well humans began to evolve and learn how to use their new intelligence.  perhaps the beings would come back every now and then to check on their offspring.  on these returns, maybe they aided the people in creating such sites as Stone Henge or the Easter Island statue heads.  I've heard a statement that the Easter Island stones heads are made from a rock that doesnt exist on the island.  how could such a huge mass of stone be transported to these areas in such a primitive land where large boats or necessary modern means don't exist?  perhaps the beings brought these or gave powers to the humans so that they were be able to.  so concluding, maybe the beings helped humans get started in civilized life, as they worked on shrines and things to show their appreciation.

okay, so then Jesus comes.  Jesus is a perfect being.  he may have been one of the beings returned to Earth.  he was born of  a virgin.  a human virgin.  perhaps the beings don't reproduce in the same way that we do.  thus, she became pregnant with a child.  their child.  her child.  perhaps she didnt have to have had sex for this to happen.  other reproductive strategies took place.  The angel Gabriel visited her to tell her this would occur.  Gabriel may have been sent by the beings to deliver the plans.  the angels may be the original beings that came to Earth.   Genesis states that humans were made in God's (the beings) image.  this is why Jesus appeared to be human, yet he had inhuman powers of transformation, healing, walking on water, extreme strength, and escaping death, etc.  so the people found out that he wasnt what they had expected and they killed him.  he returns back to the ship, only to be sent back to Earth and communicate with his followers on how to live and to spread his message to the people.  then he returns once again.

perhaps the entire Bible, or any other highly regarded religious text,  was created by the beings and given to the humans as a sort of code of living.  if not that, humans were at least inspired by visions and feelings invoked from the beings.   these religious texts were brought to us in showing us how to properly use our advanced intellect and to teach us resposibility.

so I believe that perhaps the beings felt they had done what they needed to.  with the Jesus plan accomplished, they felt they were complete and we'd be fine.  so they left and we began to screw up the world and cause global warming and huge nuclear wars and all of what's going to come.

eventually, like the book of Revalation in the christian Bible says, the true believers will be brought to Heaven in eternal life as the world destroys itself.  Heaven is perhaps the world in which the beings come from.  we will be brought to this world if they feel we deserve to.  Earth will be destroyed as punishment by the beings as they see how we have destroyed the environment we were gifted to watch over.

oh, but we slowly began to forget the beings and became all tangled up in ideas and technology and we lost our ability of knowing why we are here on Earth.  generation after generation lost it more and more until not a person is 100% certain.  we confused ourselves and lost track of our original task we were given.  we neglected our job.

but yeah, cave drawings of UFOs and all of that are not at all uncommon.  maybe they were communicating their visitors and soon to be transformers of their race.

im too tired to write more, but you get the idea.....
you never knowwwwwww.



I'd like to point out, MBO, that you use a flawed argument in you above post. Since God is beyond us, we do not, and cannot, know him/her/it. You yourself will have to admit this as well, otherwise I demand an explanation of God's thought process and reasoning - to the last nuance with no repetition of talking points gleaned from a book or church. This being the case, how can any of us do anything more than await the end and see what that brings, if anything.


Quote from: Nina on August 02, 2006, 03:01:03 PM
Quote from: westerhaus! on August 02, 2006, 10:15:39 AM
Haha... :lol: , Ok darling ; it's just that i think the universe is too big for being ruled just for ¨one¨ common god ,

and it isnt, God is the supreme higher being, and archangels rule planets, under his will and command, sharing his will

Quote from: westerhaus! on August 02, 2006, 10:15:39 AM
i quit religion 'cause i saw something awful within church indoors and some dirty business too , that just dissapointed me so much  :|!!! , they say: ¨watch out for u're own salvation¨ i just don't eat that so easily :-fly)!!

and who said that church is good and God loves it? God is very sad for its doing and church will fall very soon

Quote from: westerhaus! on August 02, 2006, 10:15:39 AM, you can't get a drunk guy leaving the bottle 'til it's empty , so i shall die seeking answers , 'cause health , money , and life doesn't fall from skies , humanity carves from dust and stone it's destiny , so i'll get healed or get illed but within me it's the power to recover myself ; in other words no one's gonna see for you better than yourself , good and evil does exist but within you ; as i said before we are a ¨fusion of both¨ , we all had bloody days , you should knew that 'cause , i found a bit of my strength thanks to you , so the very will to keep on foot depends on us , this is something i just learn in my lonely and thoughtful nights... nights of  vastness and darkened memories!!

~the fallen~

correct, my friend, you learn well yourself!!! right in every universe there is one being for that universe the thing is a being born from that universe doesnt ever get to see the ruler(in your universe its Leoth)  just like i havent seen my universes ruler
as for archangels those would be the gods you know(artimis,apostolse,hades,etc. those are realy aliens every religons god/gods are alien,as we were told to be
kay snowfox discoverd+owns this universe but he still has to follow the rulers reqest
"Look its a girl" said the doctor

"If she has my genes you might want to give her to me"


"I bite, hard"


are you trying to drop the  IQ of the people who read your posts?

Your posts sadden me because i'm starting to think you're actually serious about them. :-P
The closer you get to light, the greater your shadow becomes.
But don't be afraid. And don't forget...
You hold the mightiest weapon of all.
-Kingdom Hearts


ohh sorry about the sadden thing but I merely wish to inform you on such things.....
and yes I am serious

how do you drop IQ by informing
"Look its a girl" said the doctor

"If she has my genes you might want to give her to me"


"I bite, hard"


ohh god
or ruler please plea a a ase put help me get my life on track :wink: :lol: :evil: :roll:
dauði er meta of hátt


now I'm not making fun of latathia but the 'how do you drop IQ by informing' was funny
but really how do you?
dauði er meta of hátt


i remember hearing something about an EBE saying in an interview that we are simply vessels and our souls travel from one thing to another. like reincarnation. so ive thought that maybe greys and such are angels who use to be humans and their world is a much better and more peaceful place and the heavens are actually the heaven we think about.


Quote from: Spade on August 12, 2008, 11:11:40 PM
i remember hearing something about an EBE saying in an interview that we are simply vessels and our souls travel from one thing to another. like reincarnation. so ive thought that maybe greys and such are angels who use to be humans and their world is a much better and more peaceful place and the heavens are actually the heaven we think about.

I like that theory.
Of course, it's as batshit loony as all other UFO theories, but that's why I love 'em.


nothing is imposible
as me dad used to say you can't prove yourself right but there are a number of ways to prove someone wrong

meaning that since anything is probable you can't really prove your being right
but since anything is probable anybody can prove you wrong
EX: latathia says she is an alien and she gave the differences between her and a human, she can't  prove her self right because it could be a mutation but another person could say it is a mutation and that is more plausible so you proved her wrong
dauði er meta of hátt

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