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Real video? Or fake?

Started by WeeFolkMan, August 09, 2006, 09:32:34 AM

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That video is so awesome! I absolutely love it. I don't care what the thing is, it makes me smile and scream at the same time.

M Sidhe

It kind of looks like my avatar. :P


Does anyone have the original? All I can find is a moronic version where they added some spooky music and a fake scream to it...

M Sidhe

What do you mean by original


The original version is the one that was linked to in the very first post of this topic. Now that video has been taken down.
The original version had a few guys speaking in Spanish, and they zoomed in, and the creature looked up.
In the new version that i have found, there is no talking, only spooky music, and someone added a scream to the video.
I am looking for the version of the video that has the guys talking, and there is no scream.

M Sidhe

Did you search Youtube, or another video site?


Yes, I have, and I can't find anything...

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