
Homo homini monstrum - Victor Hugo, (The Hunchback of Notre-Dame)

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What are you? (just for fun!)

Started by Weirdelicious, August 12, 2006, 06:40:30 PM

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There is I in every person,
Only long asleep...


 What the hell are you talking about??  *<:)
...The monster in the cage
       Is coming for you...


Ok, i did the test to get  :focus:

Werewolf. You enjoy a good brawl and a chase every now and then. You'll eat pretty much anything and are on good terms with all of your pack, cool.

hahaha growl growl

Grizz of York

Welcome fellow vampire. You are a true creature of the night; you often hunt with your beloved partner and enjoy their company. Rock on!

Really? wow honestly always saw myself as a bear.


 I got stuck with werewolf, Grizz. Don't feel too bad. (No offense to weres out there.)
...The monster in the cage
       Is coming for you...

Grizz of York

That's the thing I'm a bear in all aspects, people who don't know even know call me a bear.

When that happens I nod and smile.


 Hmm.... I know a bear..... Know him very well.......... :roll:
...The monster in the cage
       Is coming for you...


"Werewolf. You enjoy a good brawl and a chase every now and then. You'll eat pretty much anything and are on good terms with all of your pack, cool. "

Pretty close. Too bad there isn't a quiz for seeing if you're  a werehound, lol. That'd be cool
Fight the darkside, fight the beast. If you can't fight it, keep trying.

Howl to the moon, live for the night, run like the wind, hide the secret, live the life of a werehound


Indeed, but these online quizez are very limited, so don't worry about what you've submitted. You are what you believe you are, that's all that counts, so do not let your good judgement bounce. :)
Mr. Demille, I'm ready for my close-up!


fox werekin/vampire over here.

yes crazy mix but trust me it has more cons than pros. XD
my heart is made of those who threw theirs away. -kaitlyn


Hey, I got werewolf... As if I didn't already know I was one. :-D
I pride myself with playing 8 instruments and knowing many military tactics, weapons, and forms of torture, if ever required.

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