
Homo homini monstrum - Victor Hugo, (The Hunchback of Notre-Dame)

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my theory

Started by elfhood, December 24, 2006, 11:08:40 AM

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so since a pidgeon flaps, it is also a goose?  i think what you meant to say is that usually when an experiment can be repeated and altered predictably, you have the grounds for a probable hypothesis  however even gravity is still a theory

no it behooves us to look at the most plausable explanation before we look at preposterous things such as ufos   people believed in ufos and stuff like that because they didnt no how things worked   now we have more information on how things work and there is more evidence for scientific explanations than blaming ufos

for a distinct refutation there are many many indications that our scientific explanations are correct  therefore it is more probable that they are correct




Quote from: Moloch on April 10, 2007, 12:35:10 PM
Not everyone who sees these things or is abducted is an "uneducated hillbilly". In fact, governors, a former president, and many other officials who hold the public trust have reported seeing them, some while in office. Given these facts, can you honestly insinuate that UFOs are nothing more than a halucination brought on by a combination of bad moonshine and inbred genetics?

I'm sorry if i offended you in any way but i did say was

Quote from: ModernDayVampire on April 09, 2007, 04:24:10 PM
Also most "Abductees" are normally Hillbilly Rednecks    i want an intelligent person to get abducted lol

key word being MOST not ALL and sightings and abductions are COMPLETELY different some sightings are believeable and possible however most i dont think are
"You can't ever win if you're always on the defensive, to win, you have to attack." - Light Yagami (Deathnote)


I do think there are aliens, but contact is another matter.  So here are the points with my ideas

Quotehere are my reasons i think aliens truly exists.
#1. there are other places than earth.
Even with the Billions of worlds out there, they percentage of those that may have life is small. And if they developed some way to get here ups the odds.  But it seems every year the scientists up the odds.  When more planets are discovered that could have life.  So there has to be something out there.

Quote#2. there have been so many people claiming about their sighting that one of them is bound to be real.
One was my dad.  He was never known to tell tall tales, so I am bound to believe him.  But there is a part of me that wants to make sure that it was Venus or whatever.  Of course after you eliminate the probable, you must look at the other ideas.  In the case of my father's sighting.  Nothing else could explain it.

Quote#3. there are paintings of the virgin mary that i have seen with a ufo in the back ground.
I know which one you are talking about.  There are a few medieval paintings with those strange ships.  Plus you have the Hindu texts with mentions of air ships as well.

Quote#4. roswell
I'm torn there.  Something did happen, in which the government felt they have to cover it up and threaten people.  But some of the more outlandish claims I have trouble accepting.

Quote#5. area 51 of course
It's not the only one.  It's just the most famous.  Makes me wonder now if it is used to distract people from the other bases.

Quote#6. the fact that the government lies to us, they claimed that there was no area 51 but there was sattalite pictures of the base.
see above

Quote#7. photos even if they are blurry or fake they look real.
There are a few that even after make sure they are not, camera defect, cloud formations, other items, are pictures of some sort of craft.  Whether its terrestrial or extra terrestrial, we have to wait to see.  I remember when the Stealth bomber was finally made public.  Sheesh it looked just like the UFO's people were seeing.

Quote#8. people who worked for the government have claimed what they saw.
I tend to believe the pilots more than the ex government workers.

Quote#9. loads of cover ups for sightings.
So many of the sightings could be testing of experimental aircrafts.  So that would explain the cover ups.


I take issue only with the crack about it being uneduacated hillbillies. Most of the folks interviewed that I've see are at the very least educated. Some even hold advanced degrees in things I can't even begin to understand. As for abductions, same thing. Many of these folks are at least average, some quite a bit more.

Lea...wonderful breakdown. Great job, and thank you for remaining unbiased.


I wish I had camera every time I saw one (sometimes even more of them at the same time). I had "meetings" like that from as long as I can remember, and no one can call me a hillbilly something, just cause they never saw them themselves. If you took a look at the skyes more often, maybe you would see it.  When I was a child I saw a multiple number of UFOs over my grans house, and they were communicating with me without the words, I felt happy, and danced on the grass, and they did some sort of dance themselves.And Venus doesnt move in L direction, then stop, then go UP with such speed I had never seen. Also, what I once saw with my brother was far too big to be called a plane or something US Army made.... sorry, maybe they are good but not THAT good. Also, after I had orb like creatures visit me in my own sleeping room, I woke up next morning with new marks on my body, with strange stuff over my belly boton, and after that I can tell by the smell in the air that they are near. For all those who dont believe, they dont have to, but anyways, Im gonna load up the pics of my marks that are still visible.

Hillbilly  *<:)  Nina


so maybe saying hillbillies was going to far   maybe uneducated (or "uneduacatedd" as the case may be) could suffice    hillbilly is a fairly strong word


Sue me, Janus. I have very large fingers and a small keyboard, lol.


must be to stretch all the way from u to a  :-D  sorry, i had to pick up on the irony there     but seriously when it comes to ufo sightings or abductations everyone involved is uneducated  not generally but in the specifics of the situation     if they were educated ufos wouldnt be called ufos


It would be pretentious to believe that the human species is unique thing in the universe. Given the huge number of stars and planets possibly having the same condition as Earth it is then quite likely that there are other primates similar to us. Among the billions of planets that host those intelligent bipedal species, it is also likely that some have developed advanced technology to travel through space and time. To achieve such technological breakthrough, they are also probably "wise" (and not hostile as represented in movies) and either carry experiments or try to alter the evil curse of the human race.
The greatest trick the devil ever played was convincing the world that he did not exist." - Charles Baudelaire (French and monstrous poet).


it is also preposterous to believe that with as many species as there are on earth that none of them have reached the evolutionary stage that we have     however that hasnt happened either    just because something isnt probable doesnt mean its false   


well, in my country people who succeed to be one of two students on a year ussually are called educated.... but, I live in a town that is 1000 years old... what do I know?


ya don't we all wish we have a camera when something unusual happens. what I also think that in some universe there could be a possibility of an alternate reality. an exact opposite of us. possibly different personalities. i do agree that bases like area 51 would be used as a decoy so they can do what they want without us knowing it. probably hillbilly was used because in most movies with aliens they are shown more often although i don't know why. watch men in black 1.  i don't need nina to show pictures to prove aliens exist because i already believe they do. you can say im more open to the unknown.

sorry i haven't been on in so long i love this site and would never abandon it and im surprised that this topic isn't dead freaking awesome. it feels good to be back in this forum again.


Hey Elf! Nice to have you back! Good you dont need pics, cause i dont have any  :-D

Yes, I also believe that there is a kind of paralel reality of us somewhere in this universe. hey, people will be surprised when they excepct that everything IS possible. But really everything.


glad to know someone believes the same things i do. one of the reasons this is one of my favorite sites.

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