
I think you have to know who you are. Get to know the monster that lives in your soul, dive deep into your soul and explore it. - Tori Amos

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For the entertainment of Zombie lovers

Started by Danger!, February 14, 2007, 12:05:56 AM

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In my junior year, I took a practical effects class and our final project was to create a zombie short.  It was a pretty amazing thing and I was fortunate to work with some very talented people.  We had a pretty limited budget and a very short amount of time for the shoot, so this film has its little quirks.  My jobs included building and painting the fireplace out of polystyrene, wiping fake blood all over the wall of the cabin set, and, most importantly, co-creating the main zombie's prosthetics and painting him up on the day of shooting.  It is an amazing thing to see come to life.  A classmate was the zombie (the cool one who gets shot last), and the other actors were pretty decent too.  All in all it was a great team effort and we all got A's.  Enjoy!
Natura Non Contristatur


You guys certainly looked like you had fun with the lighting, costuming, and scenery!  Student movies are always the best.  :-D


Ya know, if you could make a full-length feature from that, I'd definitaly pay to see it.


That was sweet. My favorite horror genre is Zombie movies, tied only with exorcism movies. So yeah BAD A@$#%^@$
Hurry to meet death before your place is taken.


Thanks, everybody, I am very pleased you all enjoyed it.  There were a lot of incredibley talented people on board, and as I'm not a film maker, they really took me under their wings and showed me the ropes.  (at the very least they put up with me.)  Some of the guys in the class made a sweet feature length film called Summer School.  It is pretty wicked, and there is a lot of local talent involved.  I highly reccommend trying to track it down.  I think the guys' website is  Let me tell you, if I could break into the special effects scene I would do it in a heartbeat.  I do a lot of conceptual art, but the practical application would be really cool.  Anybody know anyone in the industry?
Natura Non Contristatur


Depends on how big of a production you're looking to work with.  I know the guys at Hack Movies and they're always doing special effects stuff since they do Horror Comedies.  However, they're also very dedicated low-budget flimmakers

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