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Do aliens control weather? Your opinion...

Started by Nina, March 19, 2007, 06:18:23 AM

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well, the name of the topic says it all...

Do you people think that there is an alien race ( by that I mean not of this planet) that could control weather with some technology?

just a thought....



Doesn't even sound plausible.. what gave you that idea?


It IS possible. Weather is a physical manifestation of energy. So, controlling the energy currents could theoretically produce control over the weather.


Something that happened to me gave me that idea. Why dont you accept the possibillity? It was not the question do they control all the weather, but could they....

Tnx, Moloch, for the sound of reason.


I'm skeptical, but could you give some examples of how and why you think aliens could control the weather?


Its unlikely that aliens control the weather! the main thing i contimplate is that there are a multitude of alien civilisations, but which one off them are at the top of the ladder so to speak that are supremly more advanced than the others, the greys are scum and should be wiped out for there disregard an complete disdain of human life, as for the weather i think i could be possible but do not see waht benifitsbnthey could possibly attain by doing this, barry-, feel free to corrospond most welcome......27/3/07 u.k.


The how and why can be summed up thusly: "How does your toaster toat the bread you place in it? By changing electrical current into two forms of energy, light and heat. All you need be able to do to control the weather is have the technology for manipulating energy. The fact is, we're capable of this NOW. If you doubt me consider these things: There is a treaty in place in the UN prescribing the allowable methods and uses for weather control, the New York Times itself ran an article where the ambassador from Indonesia was thanking Russia for it's help; using weather control, to help cleanse their air of the smoke created by the enormous fires on several islands. There are other examples if you know where to look.

COULD aliens control our weather? Certainly. ARE they doing so? Probably not, since we're doing it ourselves now.


To answer the question: why do I think so?

Cause, I had orb like visitors in my house some couple of years ago, they were not human, (they howered above ground and looked like orbs of light). Before I saw them the storm began and it was not natural, the sound and the smell and the force of it was unnatural. If you wonder how I know its not natural, well I have some gifts considering nature....

But that is another story... :wink:


weather is caused by moving air currents in an attempt to evenly heat the earth.  Rain is the combination of moist warm air and cold air the cold air cools the warm air and since cold air is more dense it cannot hold as much moisture so the water falls down

i guess theoreticly if you can modify the temp density and moisture in very large quantities you couldchange the weather but it would be hard to direct it or even predict the severity of it
"You can't ever win if you're always on the defensive, to win, you have to attack." - Light Yagami (Deathnote)


Unless theyknow something we dont.  It is a possibility as good as any other.


Weather control apparently is possible. There was a fringe militia group somewhere in the midwestern U.S.  that were distributing pamphlets some years ago, claiming that the big floods we'd had in the Midwest were the result of weather tampering by the U.N. in order to force the U.S. gov't to capitulate to their control (new world order, and all that nonsense.) Some investigative reporter did some digging, because the evidence they provided in the pamphlets seemed very well organized and scientific, not your usual crackpot theorizing. So he managed to track down a researcher whose work they'd used to back their arguments. He was rather surprised, not even sure how they'd gotten ahold of his work.

Anyway, the bottom line is, according to his research it is theoretically possible to manipulate the weather utilizing electromagnetic radiation. However, given the current technological standards, you'd need a broadcast antenna dish with a square area equal to the city of Chicago. Kind of hard to keep something that big a secret in this day and age.

As for aliens, who knows? If they have the technology to travel faster than light, they'd probably be able to miniaturize something like that into a more portable device...l
"It is no measure of health to be sane in an insane society." -- Krishnamurti

"I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use." -- Galileo Galilei


What...control OUR weather? No, I don't believe so. If they do exist, and I really don't know about that, why would they, when they've got their own world's to worry about? And these...superior abilities they are said to have could be way off, they could be a type of creatures just...well, ordinary.
Burn red and gold, the deep dark colors of the snakes I hold!


Actually Shadowborn, such a dish is not really necessary, and yes, things like this ARE kept secret. Secrecy in an age of overwhelming amounts of information is not that hard. You just don't broadcast it is all.

Look up D.A.R.P.A., as well as a few other related programs. They're using an array in Alaska now to 'boil' the atmosphere. Also, the most recent hurricanes to hit the US coastlines were somewhat unique were they not? One even had a square shaped eye. Tell me how that happens naturally please. Look at these contrails, also, how the hurricanes of recent years always had them around them, while those of previous years did not. Look at how many of the most recent hurricanes to make landfall, i. e. Katrina and company, had explosive growths in strength and power. One of them in fact, went from a category 1 to a strong category 5 in less than ten minutes!

Tell me how it is, taking this with the previous information I provided, that we do not control our weather now.


wel i read a science mag and in my class we discussed the fact that scientists in the states are close to creating artificial weather so why would it be hard to beleive that being of far greater mind power than us could control weather

I say yes it is possible
Death is not a sanction of life but a side effect of incomplete design. I will not suffer at the hands of a mold without a mind; we shall break this limitation!


i for one believe that there are life forms other than us though i'm not sure bout those life forms having the technology to control weather.

all i know is that the universe is so vast that it's highly impossible for the earth to be the only planet that can support life.
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