
Whoever battles with monsters had better see that it does not turn him into a monster. And if you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you. - Friedrich Nietzsche

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Kelley Armstrong anyone?

Started by Kuro, June 05, 2007, 06:26:14 PM

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I was just wondering if anyone else had read some of Kelley's wonderful books before?  Such as Bitten, Stolen, Dime Store Magic, and so on.  I love her books and sarcastic nature, and they are written wonderfully from a first person's perspective.  If not, maybe some would like to check them out?  Bitten was her first book written a few years ago which focused on a female werewolf (there's a very interesting story and history behind her as well).  The other books following open up a variety of characters; half-demons, vampires, witches, and the latest of her books is about a necromancer (I hope I spelled that right).

Just a question posing to others...
I cannot be a lost subject that falls into eternity...
I will not be that single thought that has no century...

Loup Garou

I've read the "Bitten" series so far, and I'm rather pleased with it.  Armstrong fully accomplishes what authors like Laurel K. Hamilton *spits* only scratch the surface of. (Though, I'm pretty sure that Hamilton is only trying to sell one thing: and it ain't supernatural, and it ain't suspense, but it does start with an "S")... Haven't read any of Armstrongs other books outside the Bitten series, but I hear they're all of equal caliber.

~ Loup

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