
I beheld the wretch - the miserable monster whom I had created. - Mary Shelley, Frankenstein (1818)

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My Unique Experiences With an Alien Entity...

Started by Jimbee, February 26, 2008, 05:45:36 PM

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Hi, all. I am new to these boards. And I have a fantastic story to share with you all:

I have had an experience with an alien entity in the world. It's true. I realize most would find my story hard to believe. But I am talking about DIRECT OBSERVABLE EVIDENCE that I have actually WITNESSED. This entity is HIGHLY ADVANCED TECHNOLOGICALLY. And they are definitely OBSERVING earth. They are definitely interfering in our affairs to a certain degree too. This entity can manipulate matter down to the most minute level--possibly subatomically, in fact. And quite frankly they are so much more advanced than we are that we have NO WAY TO STOP THEM from doing whatever they want to do. Don't worry though, so far I have judged them to be relatively harmless. Frankly though they are not too forthcoming with the information they give me.

At this point you are still probably finding my story to believe. But it is my story. I have no further proof to give you, the reader. I only ask you keep an open mind.

So why tell my story now? Well, there is something you could do, if you want. Have you ever considered the possibility an alien culture more advanced than us could exist? And would at least allow the possibility they may be observing us COVERTLY?

How then could you discover them? Look to random things to see if you can find discrepancies. For example, every president after Jefferson (except Pres. Reagan) that was elected in a year ending in zero died in office. And look to seemingly "UNEXPLAINABLE" phenomenon. For example, in 1917 the "Blessed Virgin Mary" is said to have appeared to 3 peasant children in Fatima, Portugal. Finally a miracle is said to have appeared there, witnessed by thousands of people, where sun seemed to spin in the sky and plommet to earth. Many photographs of the event still exist.

But don't just look to extraordinary examples like the ones above, look to the more mundane things too. What numbers come up more frequently when dealing with supposedly random events? And what letters? Sounds strange, but it may yield some interesting results.

The bulk of the strange and unexplainable things I witnessed began January 13, 1988. But I suppose I have seen signs of this alien entity all my life.

Now, I want to make a couple of other things clear here too. I do not believe in UFO's or aliens visiting earth. This alien entity I have witnessed evidence of is far more advanced than that. It is an alien presence, somehow observing earth and interfering in our affairs, presumably from some distance away, which seems hard to believe, I know...

My story is a long and complicated one, and this is all I wish to tell for now--thank you for understanding that. I will consider posting here from time to time in response to your questions, if any :-).


Those aliens you talk about are here, on Earth, for last milenia...... and they are evil.


It is a rare thing to read so much that says so little; except in the case of politicians. You, like them, ask us to suspend our rational thought and simply accept you and what you say. My sincerest condolences, but I'm not one to believe blindly. Consider telling us more than what you have - a sensationalized rant about nothing.


Quote from: Moloch on February 27, 2008, 01:33:02 PM
It is a rare thing to read so much that says so little; except in the case of politicians. You, like them, ask us to suspend our rational thought and simply accept you and what you say. My sincerest condolences, but I'm not one to believe blindly. Consider telling us more than what you have - a sensationalized rant about nothing.
Well, my story is a very long complicated one. It would not easily fit in one or two posts.

All I can say is as a child, people would sometimes seem to tell me what I was thinking. I dismissed it at first or came up with a logical explanation. But looking back now I realize this was an illusion put there by this alien entity. And yes I know to some it sounds just like I was crazy. But there was much more to it than that. The mind-reading illusion got much worse by high school, so I now knew it wasn't just my imagination. Again, I tried to find a ratioal explanation.

Then Jan. 13, 1988, there seemed to be a big government conspiracy happening--and I seemed to be right in the middle of it! Once again, I know now it was an illusion put there by this alien entity. But it was uncanny, I saw things on tv and heard things on the radio that seemed to relate to me. And it certainly wasn't my imagination--it was much more than that. I would be watching tv, for example, and people would clearly seem to be saying things I now know they obviously weren't. This was just a false cover story put there by this alien entity. But the alien entity soon used it as a vehicle to reveal more about who they were, or if not who they were, at least some of what they could do.

As I learned more and more about who they weren't, I began to discover more about just what they might be--an very advanced alien entity, clearly not of this world. I came to my present level of knowledge about them by about 1991 or 1992. And here I am today, still for the most part at that point. I don't know why they won't tell me more about who they are yet. But I still wait hopefully that they will some day.

Well, that is all I can say for now. As I've said, I will post more here from time to time. Also, quick side note: this alien entity can in fact be seen by other people too, I believe, to some small degree at least. Just look at the amazing coincidences I have brought up, the Tecumseh Curse ( for example, or Fatima even.


Quote from: Nina on February 27, 2008, 01:29:12 AM
Those aliens you talk about are here, on Earth, for last milenia...... and they are evil.
You actually may have hit the nail right on the head. I too do believe they have been here a long time--and they may be evil. Or at the very least they are amoral by human standards. If you want, maybe you could elaborate a little more on what you mean :-).


Quote from: Moloch on February 27, 2008, 01:33:02 PM
It is a rare thing to read so much that says so little; except in the case of politicians. You, like them, ask us to suspend our rational thought and simply accept you and what you say. My sincerest condolences, but I'm not one to believe blindly. Consider telling us more than what you have - a sensationalized rant about nothing.

I dont recall asking anybody anything, that is my point of view after series of happenings in my life, that one doesnt have to believe, cause I know they are truth, and people who were with me in some of that happenings also wouldnt care for that, and those happenings made me watching and learning as much info as possible. I know what some people here think of me, because of my point of view that is different than theirs. Actually, they think Im crazy and paranoid and who knows what else. But, I know why I say things I say, and they are not sensationalized rant. heck, maybe one day I will also write a book of what I know, and maybe then you will give me a credit. But this way Im just ordinary Nina in paranoid theses rampage. I dont care of what you think. I dont care of writing to become famous, and I dont care if someone is so selfcentered not admit not even a possibility of such things.

I dont have nor time nor will to elaborate this, cause the matter is to big and too long and to heavy for me to write about now. but google: Illuminati, reptilian,  Political Ponerology, 2012., 4. density, mind programing, mind control, new world order, David Icke, Casiopeian transcripts, Phil Schneider, FEMA, Mothers of Darkness Castle, sacrifice of Lady D, all seeing eye, templars, Vatikan, children sacrifice, satanist rituals, skulls and bones society, sitchin, reptilian royal bloodlines, mass control through media, chiping people, child vaccination, jesuit order, project camelot, chemtrails, ELF transmitters, fluoridation, 9/11,   hybrids, shapeshifting, the list goes on and on, and Im not either so crazy to write all that, nor stupid. You cant rely just on one source to get the picture. If you know anything about those matters above, you should have at least a glimpse of the whole pic.


Quote from: Nina on February 27, 2008, 02:47:30 PM
Quote from: Moloch on February 27, 2008, 01:33:02 PM
It is a rare thing to read so much that says so little; except in the case of politicians. You, like them, ask us to suspend our rational thought and simply accept you and what you say. My sincerest condolences, but I'm not one to believe blindly. Consider telling us more than what you have - a sensationalized rant about nothing.

I dont recall asking anybody anything, that is my point of view after series of happenings in my life, that one doesnt have to believe, cause I know they are truth, and people who were with me in some of that happenings also wouldnt care for that, and those happenings made me watching and learning as much info as possible. I know what some people here think of me, because of my point of view that is different than theirs. Actually, they think Im crazy and paranoid and who knows what else. But, I know why I say things I say, and they are not sensationalized rant. heck, maybe one day I will also write a book of what I know, and maybe then you will give me a credit. But this way Im just ordinary Nina in paranoid theses rampage. I dont care of what you think. I dont care of writing to become famous, and I dont care if someone is so selfcentered not admit not even a possibility of such things.

ummm, i thinking Moloch was talking to Jimbee when he said that, not you..
Bang- you're dead.


Bang- you're dead.


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