
Whoever battles with monsters had better see that it does not turn him into a monster. And if you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you. - Friedrich Nietzsche

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end of the world predicted what to do

Started by logic for you, May 26, 2008, 12:35:38 PM

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logic for you

does anyone have a idea for humans survival
love bade me welcome: yet my soul drew back, guilty of dust and sin.

                                      -- george herbert, "love (III)"


im so confused. i keep hearing about this world ending stuff on here. (sorry this was just kinda a comment, not real info)


There are many survival guides. Personaly, I think that military basics should be enough...


'looks down and hopes they dont come'
'then laughs at the thought that they can kill them with gold bullets'
"Look its a girl" said the doctor

"If she has my genes you might want to give her to me"


"I bite, hard"


It really depends in which way the world is going to end, to know how to avoid it.

Military basics is a good one, and there's also a survival guide for a zombie apocalypse if anyone believes in that. :roll: Yet I have this feeling we're going to be swept of the face of this planet just like the way the dinosaurs had been.


the dinosaurs............ they were nice i miss them
they were smart,good,yummy,hot,great right down to the bone
damn im hungry now
"Look its a girl" said the doctor

"If she has my genes you might want to give her to me"


"I bite, hard"

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