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I Am Looking for a Story of a Canadian MP Who Saw UFO's...

Started by Jimbee, July 26, 2008, 09:35:07 PM

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There was a story in the news some time ago, I forget where exactly I saw it, of a Canadian member of parliament who claimed to be visited by aliens. No one believed her at first, perhaps partly because she was mentally ill too. Then, as the story goes, some reporters actually SAW the UFO's she was talking about (I forget the exact details at this point in the story)! So as it turned out, the story goes, her story was undeniable real.

I am very interested in this story. Does anyone have the name for this woman of which I speak? Does anyone know the full story? I am not saying I believe it fully, but I would like to know more of it. Does anyone have a link to provide? A date too?

Thank you to all who help :-) :-) :-)


I find it strange that so many who claim to be abducted by aliens or visited have suffered some kind of mental illness.

Now if I believed in Aliens and UFOs then I would say that she has been visited before. Perhaps this is the source to her illness.

Just thinking out loud.


I'll do some research and see what I come up with. In the meantime check out a book called Whitlet Streibers hidden agendas about a couple of UFO crashes in Canada back in the 60's I think it was and the huge cover up. He even does some interviews with 1st hand eye witnesses and military members involved, but of course they didn't want their identities revealed. Ita a pretty good read.
Nothing brings you closer to reality
Than the taste
Of rejection


Does anyone here know anything about the sinister MIB phenomena? You know, those creepy guys in suits who turn up the homes of UFO witnesses, warning them in dire language to hold their silence about the things that they've seen?
''Come on, I want you to do it, I want you to do it. Come on, hit me. *Hit me!''

-The Joker to Batman, The Dark Knight


never seen them I think its a myth. Well, they never visited me yet anyway but i am a hard person to find  :roll:
Nothing brings you closer to reality
Than the taste
Of rejection

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