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Zeta-Reticulans, or the aliens formerly known as Greys

Started by Mr. Kreepy, October 13, 2008, 04:30:57 AM

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Mr. Kreepy

As an avid fan of the paranormal and especially aliens, these little buggers fascinate me. The theories as to who they are, what they are, where the come from, and what they want, is as diverse as the population of people that have been contacted by these guys.
What do you think they are? Where do they come from? What do they want?


Sorry cannot help with the who,

what they are,  here I can

1, There is a group of aliens that move in a bunch, they are usually lined up they are in the four to five feet range . Head Shoulders no arms no legs They will come in real close.

These are the first guys to appear in your Computer Wallpapers they just loved that rolling hill Wallpaper of Microsofts, they also love any sort of Graphics.
Actually they blew my computer up but I did not know it at the time. Yes Graphic Card, Motherboard and the Power Pak.

I only use a Blue Desktop screen now. Yes I know you dont believe me. That is okay.

2   The "Greys", they vary in height as they wish. They appear better to a camera
in bright daylight conditions, Sun behind.  On dull days it seems to absord some of their reflection and they mesh in with the background making a photo useless. Again Head Shoulders no arms or legs. They will stand where they are as you drive past or through them.

3 Cluster alien
Another smaller lot that disperses from what I call mini UFOS they will appear in the hundred and scatter into trees schrubs or on the ground. They will follow you, as the car passes they will regroup back into their
main small uFO and dart forward and do the same thing. If you get out of the car they will scatter generally to one side.

4. Black and White alien, the Black alien, his UFO is similiar to a Wedge type but more jagged. His favorite location is on the dark bark of our trees.  Not to be messed with.

5. The White alien uses a Brown WEDGE ufo again small. Sometimes he is in company with the Black Alien .
Other times he will be in a tree somewhere just watching me. Sometimes he appears like a Shield other times like that Rock Face on Mars. Both the Black and the White are a Rectangular shape roughly 18 inches by 12 inches

6. The Human type, photographed twice, I destroyed one.  Around 4 feet high just like you and me. Group of three.

7. Diamond, just a diamond shaped face nothing else. Do not upset him. Yaeh just do not upset this lot.

8. Energy man.  Thats it just a outside shape nothing else, Head shoulders no legs no arms. All energy.

9. Guard or Sentry, guards specific areas, usual track junctions. Usually in the same place. Again no arms or legs.
If re locating he will move flat to the ground. They will vary their height to the tree height. Rarely under tree height unless caught expanding their height.

He is the main guy that will cross a road to check you out, that is a thrill have him in the viewer and watch it get fuzzier as he gets closer and drifts straight through you. Yeah I have been done over a couple of times now and it is quite deliberate on their part.

10 Holy alien, this alien is perfect absolutely beautiful, very tall and proud, a total look of innocence. Compelling both on the ground and in the sky. Amazing when you look at a photo and he is looking over a tree at you.
Adsolutely perfect in the clouds. No I am not religious but I might be before i am finished with this show.

Recently a change has occurred in my area of investigation.

We now have

11. Total face Aliens ,hundreds big threatening and made me do a runner. Grabbed my photos and video and got out of there and have not been back. I was in a new area. If you can visulize 50% static in the camera viewer you will know what I am talking about.

12. In the sky huge heads are forming along with animal shapes. Recently most of the Heads were in a laying down position, this has changed to a normal face position.

Something big is happening in our skies.

What do they want?  I should ask what do they want from me. I often ask that question, why me. Why do they allow me to walk among them except for that new bunch. Except through a Camera or in the sky I never see any of them.

Next time you are outside look at the sky, particually if there is a bit of humidty and clouds are forming. Study the clouds and look for man like faces and animal shapes.  You might also look for anything that looks like a letter "S" in the sky it may be small or quite large.

They have always been here but they are now arriving in greater numbers.

No I have never spoken to them, I rarely dream about them. They did on one occassion make it known who is boss and it was not me.

I rarely take photos around my house anymore
Fear is but what you fear yourself


Heads hovering over tree.... very interesting. Do you see them when you are alone or someone sees it with you?


I read in a book once that alien encounters could be a residual memory of your own birth. . .
I have multiple personalities, one is a were-Sheepenguin, one is a fruit vampire, one likes to imagine cruel and unusal totures, that one's name is Bob the VI.


Regina Terra

I read that too, I think it MIGHT happen with a few people, but to say ALL alien encounters are such is just whak.

The same with sleep paralysis and abductions, too. I think sleep paralysis IS a part of it, but only cuz the aliens realised that they can use a natural function against us.
Gabriel, "Don't kill yourself for it would crush my angelic heart. I love you for who you are and I'm glad I met you. :]"

"I'm going to break him, and there will be blood."

Mr. Kreepy

Quote from: 7VII7 on December 11, 2008, 02:53:50 PM
I read in a book once that alien encounters could be a residual memory of your own birth. . .

That theory actually makes quite a bit of sense. If there is a totally mundane psychological explanation for alien abductions I don't doubt that's it.

Quote from: Regina Terra on December 12, 2008, 08:44:45 PM
The same with sleep paralysis and abductions, too. I think sleep paralysis IS a part of it, but only cuz the aliens realised that they can use a natural function against us.

That's a very plausible explanation if the cause is indeed extraterrestrial in nature. Simply because something is mundane in nature doesn't mean it couldn't be exploited, and likewise just because something is being used by an extraterrestrial doesn't mean it isn't mundane in nature.


I have multiple personalities, one is a were-Sheepenguin, one is a fruit vampire, one likes to imagine cruel and unusal totures, that one's name is Bob the VI.



hmmmmm . . . no offense but I don't think that's enough of a reason to change their names, so I'll just call them greys, heck, who knows, maybe the aliens were asking for directions TO Zeta-whatever and she just was mistaken in what they were showing her  :-D
I have multiple personalities, one is a were-Sheepenguin, one is a fruit vampire, one likes to imagine cruel and unusal totures, that one's name is Bob the VI.


Mr. Kreepy

No offense taken.
The topic name was a bit of a joke. I only call them that because it's widely accepted amongst wacko tinfoil hat-wearing circles that greys are from Zeta-whatever. The UFO festivals around Roswell are proof of that.


Heh, that was another reason I'll keep calling them greys but I didn't say it in case anybody on here was one of them. . .
I have multiple personalities, one is a were-Sheepenguin, one is a fruit vampire, one likes to imagine cruel and unusal totures, that one's name is Bob the VI.


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