
Whoever battles with monsters had better see that it does not turn him into a monster. And if you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you. - Friedrich Nietzsche

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Vivids Psychic Poll

Started by Vivid777, November 12, 2008, 03:29:16 AM

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If you had to choose only 1 psychic ability that you would be a "master" of, which one would it be?

Clairvoyance/Remote Viewing
Precognition-Seeing the Future


So yes, if you HAD to choose only one psychic ability that you would be a "master" of, which one would it be?

It will be extremely interesting/important to know if there is a general preferance for any specific psychic ability/abilities AND the reasons behind it!

I and many others are also interested in your choice, so it will be appreciated if, as well as voting, you reply with your choice and "why" you have made this particular one? What was the overiding factor in you choosing this specific ability?

Thanks for your coming input everyone!



I have gone for channelling but I think I should explain what I think channelling is to me.
I am not interested in channelling aspects of self, personality, subconsious,  past lives, spirits angels etc.

Channelling for me is the ability to experience my energetic counterpart, the part of me that dreams.


Me, telekenisis.......... And by master, i take it that you mean the ability to throw mountainsin the air or split/restructure molecules provided i focused on the chemical bonds. w00lts steel in seconds baby!

AND  CONCUSSIVE force blasts! W00t!!!

I'd have taken clairvoyance or precognition. But.................... those would make me lazy........ and perverse...... and maybe a little bit controlling.............. okay, ALOT more controlling...........
The closer you get to light, the greater your shadow becomes.
But don't be afraid. And don't forget...
You hold the mightiest weapon of all.
-Kingdom Hearts

Regina Terra

You know you're pathetically ignorant when you don't even understand half of what's in the poll... T_T
Gabriel, "Don't kill yourself for it would crush my angelic heart. I love you for who you are and I'm glad I met you. :]"

"I'm going to break him, and there will be blood."

Mr. Kreepy

I'd say pk/telekinesis. I'm very much an outwardly-acting person, with little time or need for inward pleasures and actions, thus the ability to control my surroundings sounds like the perfect thing for me.
Also, pk can encompass a wide variety of things, from teleportation to the creation of a thoughtform/tulpa; moving things with your mind is only a small part of it, but sadly the aspect that gets the most attention.
Hell, with psychokinesis someone could run at superhuman speeds, augment their strength to superhuman levels, and even heal wounds instantaneously. It would be the ultimate psychic ability, in my opinion.


I also have to go with PK/TK, and pretty much for the same reasons that Kreepy stated.


This question has been driving me nuts! I can't decide. If I got to be a master of any kind of power I'd want powers like Rogue. I wouldn't have to worry about anyone pestering me and getting to close, and if anyone pisses me off I can just suck them dry and leave them laying on the ground.


Quote from: Mr. Kreepy on November 12, 2008, 08:41:35 AM
I'd say pk/telekinesis. I'm very much an outwardly-acting person, with little time or need for inward pleasures and actions, thus the ability to control my surroundings sounds like the perfect thing for me.
Also, pk can encompass a wide variety of things, from teleportation to the creation of a thoughtform/tulpa; moving things with your mind is only a small part of it, but sadly the aspect that gets the most attention.
Hell, with psychokinesis someone could run at superhuman speeds, augment their strength to superhuman levels, and even heal wounds instantaneously. It would be the ultimate psychic ability, in my opinion.

Did you know that superboy(Connor kent)'s original power was tactile telekenisis(all that stuff you said)? It faded away after his kryptonian powers kicked in...........T_T
The closer you get to light, the greater your shadow becomes.
But don't be afraid. And don't forget...
You hold the mightiest weapon of all.
-Kingdom Hearts


can I change my vote??

I would must definatly like to control and master ...I forgot the word a form of effect on electricty.
Insted of frying my tech gadgets, and getting a shock from just everything, I would like to do more with directing it where to go ( I can already make it arch from one hand to another) and where NOT to go

Regina Terra

Oh man, I just thought of smething. o.0

Are all the different powers in Heroes just psychokinesis in all it's different uses? :?
Gabriel, "Don't kill yourself for it would crush my angelic heart. I love you for who you are and I'm glad I met you. :]"

"I'm going to break him, and there will be blood."


Ya regina, that's what Mohinder said once i think.
I would probably want telepathy (which is transfer of information on thoughts or feelings between individuals by means other than the five classical senses - wiki)
That would b uber cool and would satisfy my need of whispering into each other's ears like little girls
...e s c a p e...t h e...f a t e...


I voted pk because remote veiwing / seeing the future would be depressing if you couldn't get there, telepathy would be annoying if you couldn't control it, and I can't see the poll while on the replying so I can't tell if there are any other options, frankly I'd like it if I could have a photographic memory but in all senses and I could acess my memories like a computer, I'm not sure if that counts as a psi abbility. . .
I have multiple personalities, one is a were-Sheepenguin, one is a fruit vampire, one likes to imagine cruel and unusal totures, that one's name is Bob the VI.



Should I vote based on what I would want or what I would be most likely to have, because I already have abilities to some extent...
"We're all one race - human" ...Really?

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