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Recharging your batteries

Started by Regina Terra, December 03, 2008, 08:02:28 PM

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Regina Terra

So I have seen this topic pop up several times in various conversations recently. What's the best way to recharge your batteries? To just relax, and get all the good energy flowing again?

For girls, it seems that a candle lit bubble bath, or a relaxing nap are best. But what about guys? And is there any universal thing that just about anybody, or thing, can do?

And what can you do if you want to help a friend just wind down?
Gabriel, "Don't kill yourself for it would crush my angelic heart. I love you for who you are and I'm glad I met you. :]"

"I'm going to break him, and there will be blood."


Going for a swim at a really nice beach is always a pretty good one!

I can't think of anyone I know of that has not felt more relaxed and "recharged" after doing that!



Hmmmm. . . for, well anyone really, I say just do something normal and relaxing, go for a jog/walk, read a book, watch a movie, play a game, go to bed early, etc, just do something to distract you from your problems, heck even doing homework would work . . .
I have multiple personalities, one is a were-Sheepenguin, one is a fruit vampire, one likes to imagine cruel and unusal totures, that one's name is Bob the VI.


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