
The sleep of reason produces monsters (El SueƱo de la Razon Produce Monstruos) - Francisco Goya

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Creature Article!

Started by Daemonin, December 06, 2008, 02:57:02 PM

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Here's an article I found about different ancient creatures.  It's really cool with pictures.  I like the purple frog  :roll:

Regina Terra

WH000T!!! The Mantis Shrimp is awesome, I liked the Horseshoe Crab, too. I bet that's where Pokemon got the idea for some of their creatures. xD
Gabriel, "Don't kill yourself for it would crush my angelic heart. I love you for who you are and I'm glad I met you. :]"

"I'm going to break him, and there will be blood."


It was cool because when I went to the beach for Thanksgiving I found a horseshoe crab shell the size of my head and took it home.  It's really cool to know they haven't changed much and that I was holding a totally ancient creature :-D

Regina Terra

The size of your HEAD? o.0

Awwwesome. xD
Gabriel, "Don't kill yourself for it would crush my angelic heart. I love you for who you are and I'm glad I met you. :]"

"I'm going to break him, and there will be blood."


My head really isn't that big *<:)

I saw a bigger one.  It was pretty sweet 8-)

Anyone up for the purple frog?  I want one.

Regina Terra

But it would have to stay buried in dirt all the time, I'd never get to cuddle with it. :cry:
Gabriel, "Don't kill yourself for it would crush my angelic heart. I love you for who you are and I'm glad I met you. :]"

"I'm going to break him, and there will be blood."

Mr. Kreepy

Nice article, Dae. I loved that playtpus.
You know, it's funny...I myself am quite interested in taxidermy, and more specifically "rogue" taxidermy (read: making weird s**t from dead animals), and most of the more famous rogue taxidermists consider the fellows who first preserved a platypus specimen as the fathers of rogue taxidermy, because the animal is just so weird it looks like God took all the spare parts and threw them together. :laugh:

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