
The sleep of reason produces monsters (El SueƱo de la Razon Produce Monstruos) - Francisco Goya

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A "Vision"?

Started by Zilla, December 12, 2008, 08:16:33 PM

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There is a lot of evidence that would suggest that I am psychic, but I don't want to jump to conclusions, so I won't say I am. But recently, I saw something while I was meditating that frightens me. I hesitate to call it a vision, but I don't know what else to call it. There were two or three people involved-- either two men or two men and one woman-- and a dead man strewn across the floor. The... "vision"... whatever you want to call it... was a bit fuzzy, but I did gather that they were racing to find someone or something before an opposing group did, and the dead man was murdered by this opposing group. After I came out of my "trance", it scared me a lot. I'm so afraid that I was seeing something that was happening at that moment, or something that was/is going to happen. What do you make of this?
"The purpose of man is to live, not to exist"- Jack London

Amaya psychic, what exactly do you mean? Many things fall under the blanket of psychic.

I will try to answer your question as best as I can. I am warning you I may not be the most knowledgeable in the subject due to my current search for guidance in matters similar but I can try to help you out with what I know.

My visions come to me in fragments when I get them. Sometimes they can be purely symbolic. I usually have to decipher them to some degree. For example, one time my friend was uneasy of a certain meeting and asked for what I perceived, all I could say was beware the color blue. We both later found out that she was looking for the wrong kind of blue (a literal kind) and the thing she was to avoid was a girl with an overwhelmingly blue aura. The more literal mine are, the less clear and vivid they are. The stronger and more vivid, the more like a puzzle they become. As for the time, that can be a guess too. I can see things from past, present but at another place, or future.

I hope this helps in some way but I am not an expert in any way and do not expect you to hang onto my every word. All I can tell you is my experience with my abilities. Yours could be totally different. For example, another friend who sees visions gets them perfectly clear, but they're usually minor things like breaking a nail or something, mine are usually about bigger things but more vague.


You'll get used to them wether their bad,scary,funny or not.
Just a part of the gift that some of us are granted with.
It could be something that is going to happen, it could be something that has happend or somethign that was happening at that moment.
And there is only one way to find that out, to go out and go after it.
But it's your choice if you do something with it or not.

Another option is that it's not exactly what you saw but something like said before symbolic.
Maybe your in a fight with somebody and the third is a victim of that fight.


Ohh! I never thought to put a symbolic translation on it...  :-P Thank you so much. I've been really worried that someone's life was in danger; I think you're right, it's probably not something literal. That makes me feel so much better.

By psychic, what I meant was precognitive and possibly clairvoyant. There also might be a chance that I have psychokinetic abilities, but I'm doubtful. I never really thought I was psychic; I had always just thought I was really lucky at guessing what would happen in the future. I've always had these really random feelings and thoughts that would occur very soon afterward, usually in a day or less. But usually, they're small, inconsequential things.
"The purpose of man is to live, not to exist"- Jack London


Quote from: Zilla on December 14, 2008, 06:22:57 PM
Ohh! I never thought to put a symbolic translation on it...  :-P Thank you so much. I've been really worried that someone's life was in danger; I think you're right, it's probably not something literal. That makes me feel so much better.

By psychic, what I meant was precognitive and possibly clairvoyant. There also might be a chance that I have psychokinetic abilities, but I'm doubtful. I never really thought I was psychic; I had always just thought I was really lucky at guessing what would happen in the future. I've always had these really random feelings and thoughts that would occur very soon afterward, usually in a day or less. But usually, they're small, inconsequential things.
I've only had two visions that involved someone's life being in danger and the one I could do nothing about, the other I failed miserably. The rest were generally symbolic. Sometimes getting them can be fearful, symbolic or not. I'm just glad I could support you and ease your worry.

Ah, I see. I have a bit of all five abilities in various degrees of strength and weakness. I'm on a journey to learn more and become more talented in them myself. Glad to meet a fellow learner.  :-)


I am very sorry for your losses :cry: .
I very much appreciate it. :-)

Quote from: nynke on December 13, 2008, 01:07:53 PM
Another option is that it's not exactly what you saw but something like said before symbolic.
Maybe your in a fight with somebody and the third is a victim of that fight.
I'll keep on my toes. I don't want a fight, especially if there are victims.

How can I develop these abilities? What suggestions do you have?
"The purpose of man is to live, not to exist"- Jack London


Well there is an easy one, you can sit next to the other person.
Let that person draw something easy, like a tree with a house or a smiley with some additional things.
When the person is done, it's your turn.
If your right your drawings should look like eachother, if not keep trying.


I'm getting kind of scared. I had a dream that seemed to be a continuation of the first vision. In the dream, I found an artifact (it was a very strange weapon with a very sharp blade). Then the dream changed...

There was a war, and one guy was trying to get to this...I don't know...I think it was whatever the people in the first vision were searching for, and now there's a whole war over whatever it is. And he's totally alone, except for me, but he couldn't see or hear me. This place was massive, and there were huge white columns, and the whole building was made of stone. The place was booby-trapped, and there was a gigantic bottomless pit in the center. He went forward, and the statues turned and started shooting at him with huge muskets.

It was as if I was there, and at the same time I wasn't. No one could see me or hear me. I couldn't protect the person I had to protect, even though I was right beside him, but we needed him to complete this mission or all was lost.

I'm really scared. I know this dream could be completely symbolic, but somehow I can't ignore this nagging fear that something awful is coming...
"The purpose of man is to live, not to exist"- Jack London


Eh, maybe you're seeing something happening in an alternate reality or something. . .
I have multiple personalities, one is a were-Sheepenguin, one is a fruit vampire, one likes to imagine cruel and unusal totures, that one's name is Bob the VI.



I have had a lot of "visions". different kinds sometimes they will be in a dream and i wont know it was a vision until later. Also theres times ill be awake and ill predict the future and to my suprise it happens. But these come to me at random. :-o i dont know what it means or if they can be controlled

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