
The sleep of reason produces monsters (El SueƱo de la Razon Produce Monstruos) - Francisco Goya

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Stuck on the Ceiling

Started by Hak, January 15, 2009, 12:41:22 PM

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I grew up in Holyoke Mass. We lived in an area of Mass, not to far from Salem. The apartment complex I grew up in is to be believed hunted. The apartments is called Jarvis Apartment. I believe it was built on unholy grounds. All kinds of things used to happen, the things we used to see, during the day and night; especially the night. One day at night, my cousin woke up in the middle of the night, laying on our back, to see a dark hooded cloaked demon with red eyes leaning over about 1 foot away from her, just staring at her. She freaked hell out and turn over. I can't begin to tell you the things we saw. I once saw in the middle of the day a shadow in the house just roaming around. It was freaky. But here is the worst situation; it happened in the middle of the night. We all woke to some wierd yet dark sinister grim moaning voice, coming from my sisters room, where my cousin was sleeping. And then she screamed at the top of her lungs. We all woke and ran to the room to find my cousin stuck on the ceiling. It was beyond word but extreme heinous. My dad ran and got holy water and salt to throw at my cousin. After about 5 minutes of fighting, the demon or whatever it was just let her go. It something that I will never forget. After that I did not sleep for 3 days straight. I was too afraid to sleep. After that, more unnatural things continued to happen until we finally moved out of the apartment complex altogether. This is not a made up story nor a plagerism of any story of any kind. Its real and happened. So from that point in my life I began to believe in the extreme of possibilities, and nothing ever surprises me............... :mrgreen:      :-o             :-D
We must first go into the wilderness (wild) of our own being and destroy the beast-demon. Our lower nature must be controlled if one is to obtain mastery. Then and only then can we begin to ride on our own mule into Jerusalem, and into the Holy of Holies.


The closer you get to light, the greater your shadow becomes.
But don't be afraid. And don't forget...
You hold the mightiest weapon of all.
-Kingdom Hearts


Umfortunetly, there's nothing there to move to. Although some people are saying its crime and/or drugs, I know better; the entire city is vacant, empty. Holyoke is a desserted city, which took place around the middle of 1995-1996. Ever since then, the city has never been the same. Most of us with some since on our head believes that  our government is using the city of for some dark sinister plot, and that's the reason why it become desserted in the first place. The word about Holyoke is this, you should never be caught there at night. During the day maybe OK, but if you are there during the night, you may not ever see the light of day again. People have disappear there.
We must first go into the wilderness (wild) of our own being and destroy the beast-demon. Our lower nature must be controlled if one is to obtain mastery. Then and only then can we begin to ride on our own mule into Jerusalem, and into the Holy of Holies.


then we build ive always wanted to live in another place like that
its our choices in life that determine who and what we are.
The purpose of life is what you make it so find something you believe in with all your heart and stick with it.


Well have moving and living there. I wouldn't. Its said that the city has a lot unholy grounded area to it. Also I heard that its trying to repopulate. I did some investigation myself, based off of what this Hak guy mentioned. And its interesting...
Death is the beginning of life. Life is the end of death. And only God lies in between the two.


Don't seek faith, let faith seek you.


call paranormal state, it'd make a great episode.

check out it's history...and one of my favorite mantras; speak of the devil, he'll appear.
"The world that God made is inherently comprised of relationships, symmetries, analogia, anagogy, poetic wisdom. Thus is the language of symbolism."


Its pretty interesting what this Hak was once talking about, you know, getting stuck on the ceiling. I knew a person who claimed to have been stuck on the ceiling. Now the scary thing is that this was a frequent thing that was happening to this person. So one day they had a camera ready. Sure enough, when the person got stuck on the ceiling, someone else snapped a picture. Now that was freaky.
Death is the beginning of life. Life is the end of death. And only God lies in between the two.

Nephalim Slayer

Sounds like a very well fed poltergeist.
I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity.
Edgar Allan Poe


Besides of what was writen here in this forum or the show Supernatural, has anyone ever heard of anyone being stuck on the ceiling before?
Death is the beginning of life. Life is the end of death. And only God lies in between the two.


That would seriously be interesting.
Death is the beginning of life. Life is the end of death. And only God lies in between the two.


Quote from: MagnusCrane on May 17, 2010, 09:27:15 PM
Besides of what was writen here in this forum or the show Supernatural, has anyone ever heard of anyone being stuck on the ceiling before?

That's what I thought of, haha.

I haven't personally heard of something like that, but if that's the case, be careful. CAREFUL. Move out of there. Now.
Age is not defined by years, but by intellect and maturity.

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