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Alien Help???

Started by Rainbow, January 18, 2009, 06:50:37 PM

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Ok, the other day I was talking with my brother and he was telling me about some documentary, that was talking about a theory that aliens help the Mayas, the Egyptians and another people, to learn how to write and mathematics. I really didn't get a lot of info, my brother isn't very intelegent. So I will really like to know if you guys know about something like that. Let me know what you think.  :wink:
All That Is Now, All That Is Gone & All That's To Come!!!


Thanks TeteoIan, it sure help... a very interesting link  :wink: :-D
All That Is Now, All That Is Gone & All That's To Come!!!


This is a great revelation being told through the news. The Lord gave us the knowledge of truth when the flying saucers come truly they are satan's army.

So beware, now it has already started. There is one who has risen up. He has a world wide following and he calls himself Jesus Christ. But the key is he throws out all that is Holy. Beware of the one coming, for this one is just a mere man, but beware the one coming for it will be as Judas has returned once again and he is truly the son of satan, the son of lucifer...


Religious issues aside, the chances of ancient "gods" being aliens are pretty good. The egyptians & mayans are just the most well known groups to have dealt with the aliens..look at some of the things people back then made-they might've been the muscle, but I doubt that people at that stage in history could've come up with nearly exact star-charts & measurements.
"What the hell was that?"

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