
Whoever battles with monsters had better see that it does not turn him into a monster. And if you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you. - Friedrich Nietzsche

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Licking yourself in public! :o

Started by SherlawkDragon, February 08, 2009, 06:16:39 AM

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erm now that i think of it , not that im consiously aware of , because usually if somone enters my room when i'm asleep i wake up immediatly. although i am apparently a rough sleep - i have torn quite a few shirts i was wearing when i fall asleep but meh - they were shirts i didnt care about  *<:)


eh, it happens, i tend to just play it off as me covering after a sneeze. that's not the problem.. its the hairballs afterwords, ESPECIALLY in public.. try to explain that one.. "Um.. Thats not my cat.."  :doh:
I might shed, i might have never been able to walk with my girlfriend along the beach on a beautiful full moon night, or ever accepted silver jewelry.. im very territorial.. but hey, i'll always be keeping you warm.



Well I hate it when I drool a little when I zone out, on accident. Sometimes there is a bug bite on my arm and I feel I have to bite at it. I like to lick my injuries and I know all these things will get me odd stares...
If my life is worthless then death must be my currency to spend.


The drooling is embarrassing, but still, its reasonable.. having this large of a tongue dangling from your mouth when the you see several squirrels running up trees is not. ive gotten the strangest looks from this. Mama Wolf always told me and the pack "If you keep your paws clean, and your tongue in your mouth, you can become just like Lassie" Just work on some self control with the licking, and we'l have our own tv series in no time
I might shed, i might have never been able to walk with my girlfriend along the beach on a beautiful full moon night, or ever accepted silver jewelry.. im very territorial.. but hey, i'll always be keeping you warm.



Haha, wow. I don't think any of us can become a lassie.
Play it off maybe but not lassie.

As for me, someone walks into my room i'm awake instantly. I have a habit of when i yawn i bare my teeth at the end of it. I glare and forcefully blow air out my nose alot like some canines do. I growl not as much as i used to but i still growl...apparently alot in my sleep if i'm being disturbed. I howl when i feel lonely or if i hear wolves howling(that one has gotten me some odd looks) I lick my wounds and really try not to drool. Though sometimes i forget that i'm not alone or lose control and slobber goes everywhere. I've learned to keep myself fed and drooling doesn't happen so much.

I go to a vet school (i know how insane that sounds) but its really helped with myself control.....sometimes.  :-D
There is another world inside of me that you may never see and part of me is fighting this....yet part of me is gone.


I yawn like a wolf, a huge yawn with your tongue sticking out. Also, sometimes when I yawn I drool and that is really embarrassing.
I am the spirit of the wolf, the fire of it's heart.

Sometimes life seems too quiet
Into paralyzing silence
Like the moonless dark

-Sorrow by Flyleaf


as  tiger, i growl all of the time. crap no growl smiley lol
Power speed sneakiness smell hearing, my traits,the traits of a tiger.


I yawn, purr and meow like a cat... >_> A really fat lazy cat, cause those are the best to have around :)
"The reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once." - Albert Einstein

"For those who say I am evil; hear this, what you hold in such disdain is my humanity."


i tend to growl, howl, and lick myself alot. when i yawn i even show my teeth and make that sqweaking sound. when people hug me i snuggle up and rub my face on their shoulder etc...
love yourself and stay loyal to your pack


Sometimes I growl in public, which freaks a lot of people out and I bite my arm, or wherever else that's itchy, to scratch it. When I get upset, I
whimper, when I'm exited or happy, I howl,
You know, stuff of that nature
Keep in mind that I am half were half vampire (So I can go out in the sun, with a minor headache :D )
Without my Romeo <3

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