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New and unpopular thoery about extraterrestrials and us!

Started by Carson Dane, May 24, 2009, 03:22:37 PM

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Carson Dane

Human Beings exist throughout the universe.  Human Beings live on planets in galaxies throughout the universe.  The majority of human civilizations in the universe know everlasting life, and not ageing and death.  Earth's civilization is not included in that majority.

Those humans of the majority, regardless of species, are the extraterrestrials.  They've visited earth for 1000's of years, making conscious contact with very few people here. 
The reason for this is something discussed little, in fact; I haven't seen any discussion of it at all: how our earthly minds are different than theirs.  They're only interested in us physically, because our minds don't evolve and sense reality as do theirs.
The notion that extraterrestrial civilizations must be magnitudes of years older than ours to have far more advanced technology and minds than ours need not be true.  Rather, it has to do with the way they evolve and mentally integrate with reality, to know the reality of the physical universe that exists, about which we don't know.

They're efficient and business-like in meeting both their own and their customers' needs.  They're not confused or curious about us, and know it's inefficient for them to try to change the problem that troubles our minds.  Governments and leaders of authoritarian schemes are no different to them than any other persons on earth.

:-D :-) :-o 8-) :wink:

"The cause for aging and death in human types must be using the brain in manners inconsistent with reality.  The reality of nature is whatever it is; perhaps believing it is something other than what it is, is deadly."


This sounds like some stargate stuff,lol!

Most likely is possible. Considering all the mythology. There is a grain of truth in everything, you know.
-The shadows connect us all-


  Actually, going with this grain of thought, it would make sence in reguards to abduction's.  Our minds may not interest them, but if our physiology is the same, well, better to experiment on us than themselves.
In remembrance of Moonbaby, one of the brightest and most glorious stars to ever grace the Monstrous community.  Missed you will be, forgotten NEVER.


-The shadows connect us all-


......................... nope. clones would be cheaper than spaceship fuel. :-P
The closer you get to light, the greater your shadow becomes.
But don't be afraid. And don't forget...
You hold the mightiest weapon of all.
-Kingdom Hearts


  Truely, and if that fuel were anti-matter? Of course they may even have something we can not even comprehend, but for clones, hmmmm...  It would make sence I guess to use test tube babies for experimentation, but would they react the same way as the real deal?  Admitted that clones are supposed to be like us, but at this point, for us at least, it is still speculation that they would be.  Perhapse our alien bretheren have found faults with their clones which make medical experiments unconventional, hence their use for us.
In remembrance of Moonbaby, one of the brightest and most glorious stars to ever grace the Monstrous community.  Missed you will be, forgotten NEVER.


Our current understanding of the laws of physics gives us the concept of the need of fuel to move. However, let's play "what if" for just a moment, and say that these others, whose minds are supposedly much more advanced than ours, are capable of accelerating an object beyond the speed of light. Just think, if the only mass you needed to move were a ship and its occupants, and the method of propulsion had a mass of between a few kilograms to a few dozen kilograms - no need for exorbitant amounts of fuel folks! The mind may indeed be capable of borrowing all of the energy needed from the Ether, and therefore capable of accelerating a craft beyond the speed of light.

Also, if it could do this, it could also 'fold' spacetime, and create a bridge to move the ship across all of the intervening vastness of the Universe as easily as we would take a step through a doorway. Meanwhile, monkeys are sitting here using expensive fossil fuels to lob hunks of metal skyward.

Carson Dane

Moloch is right; and so are the rest of you.  Even though many of the extraterrestrials look just like us, their minds evolve rapidly in congruence with nature, so that they discover and understand the physics of consciousness quickly.  Using consciousness as a propellant, they're able to send small masses of programmed matter faster than the speed of light – at the speed of mind – which can when needed include the "bend" as Moloch suggests.

As for clones, they are popular products for the human extraterrestrials to manufacture or purchase from others, for personal use.   Since the human extraterrestrials that look like us don't age or die, there is little need to reproduce.  If extra bodies are needed to help with the "chores" clones work well for them because this bypasses the issue of "free will" required of conscious beings. 

Considering modern day earth agronomists' and animal scientists' views that plants and animals represent "technology" to produce foods, and the genetic manipulations of such since the 1970's resulting in increased yields per acre of plants or milk per cow; this evidences the isolation and manipulation of  "genes" as a shortcut to a desired end. 

So for extraterrestrials making improvements to their clones, acquiring genes and gene sequences directly may be more efficient for them than manufacturing those themselves.

For human-like extraterrestrials that don't look like us, acquiring genes is about developing and improving their senses of touch and taste, and often to improve their ugly looks.  In spite of the problem that troubles our minds and separates us from them, earth humans are generally good-looking and sensuous, making our genes valuable commodities to many of them.

I tend to guess these visitors are rather nearer than farther, because of the cost and efficiencies involved, even for propulsion by consciousness.

:-D :-o 8-) :lol: :wink:
"The cause for aging and death in human types must be using the brain in manners inconsistent with reality.  The reality of nature is whatever it is; perhaps believing it is something other than what it is, is deadly."


AHa! Flaw in thine argument!

also the speed of mind isn't really faster than the speed of light. the electrical pulse given by the neural connections in our bodies  travel quite at the same speed, however the processing takes a bit more time to...... well process. and thus respond to said signal. what say you?

There maybe little "need" for actual reproduction, but sex is a preprogrammed instinct. Add to that the pleasure it brings and it will become a base in any super liberal society!
.......... then again if everyone looked like norwegian supermodels or someother sort of archetype then the sex drive would die a horrible horrible death......

The manipulation of genes is a grand thing in the pursuit of the elimination of world hunger...... but for a people that can move spaceships FTL with their minds, why the hell can't they synthesize nutrients from the air itself?

And non human looking aliens would probably have their own definition of beauty so facial reconstructive surgery or some other equivalent is probably not the way to go.

I smell 70's scifi geek.

Please sir. the modern scifi geek recognizes these plot holes and would have at the very least put a lampshade over em. Such as  the
Which of course is utterly and totally wrongo but for the sake of entertainment, disbelief is suspended and sometimes locked in a dark closet.
Drivel like that has very limited room in a truly scientific discussion.

But as such we have no real reason to believe that humans are the master race in the cosmos. and that even so why would they come HERE of all places when they could just seed a world near them?


To moloch: ya got any idea how much mass-energy space time needs to bend? yeah... totally inadvisable to put near living beings.
Any links to loopholes, cause i haven't really found any.
The closer you get to light, the greater your shadow becomes.
But don't be afraid. And don't forget...
You hold the mightiest weapon of all.
-Kingdom Hearts

Carson Dane

Awesome post, Raziel.  I'm laughing, smiling, flawed, and quasi-scientific at best.  Your wit is admirable: In the 70's I was not interested in sci-fi, and never a geek; nevertheless, as Monstrous Imp status, I'll not stand contrary to thine assessment of mua.

You are correct about the speed of light and the speed of electricity in the mind.  In fact, as you say, with the processing time required it makes the speed of mind slower than the speed of light.

For the speed of mind to exceed the speed of light, it would need an accelerant.  The only thing I can think of that has potential as such an accelerant is consciousness.  Maybe consciousness has a physics to it that has yet to be discovered and explained by science.  (I'm thinking in parallel, of ancients that thought air was nothing, you know, before the advent of science determined air was molecules of matter). 

Some say people are a combination of mass and consciousness.  If people's physical bodies do contain a quantity of consciousness, then perhaps there's something new to surmise about it.

So if possible to go faster than the speed of light, thoughts (or, maybe even objects), my thinking is that this would require a boost from some quantity of consciousness, to exceed the speed of light. 
"The cause for aging and death in human types must be using the brain in manners inconsistent with reality.  The reality of nature is whatever it is; perhaps believing it is something other than what it is, is deadly."


So then I misspoke. However, the mind would be capable of bending timespace, and some individuals probably do in a limited manner. For example: "What are dreams, really?". Also, if you know everything, Raz, then you tell me: will the world end in fire, or in ice?


Would the accelerator be adrenaline? It doesn't have to exceed the speed of light, it just has to beat fast enough to create a cohesive chain that melts thoughts together. Kinda like a sword master being able to create a link of cuts from multiple directions nigh simultaneously.

Trick question. The red giant which our sun turns into indicates fire( it also eats us), and the resulting white dwarf is far too small to give sufficient heat to the earth, while getting closer to it is impractical due to the massive gravitational change.

So both.

UNLESS YOU WERE TALKING ABOUT AN APOCALYPTIC SITUATION! which is indeed the end of the world as we know it, but only when pertaining to mankind. The ground and mass of our planet will still be there.

Or if you take nina & stichin seriously, and that the asteroid belt was a planet(supposedly tiamat) originally, which exploded due to the proximity of the planet X nearing our world.(2012 december something.)

Too many end of the world scenarios to even consider  man.
(i also do not know everything. I just know someone who does. :-D)
The closer you get to light, the greater your shadow becomes.
But don't be afraid. And don't forget...
You hold the mightiest weapon of all.
-Kingdom Hearts

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