
I beheld the wretch - the miserable monster whom I had created. - Mary Shelley, Frankenstein (1818)

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The Faerie location

Started by Shadowling, December 26, 2004, 03:43:18 PM

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What is your particular view on thier location?

Why, Tir Na nOg of course!
4 (25%)
Underground. Duh...
0 (0%)
The Land Under The Waves. Where else?
1 (6.3%)
Since when did they go anywhere? Thier still here!
3 (18.8%)
No where. They don't exist. Period.
2 (12.5%)
Where else but the Elemental realm?
2 (12.5%)
I have a different idea. (If so, please state it)
1 (6.3%)
Don't ask me... I have no clue....
3 (18.8%)

Total Members Voted: 3

Voting closed: December 26, 2004, 03:43:18 PM


It is popular belief, that the Good Folk live underground, or in the deep sea. The prime example of this, would be in Eoin Colfers books Artemis Fowl.    
The original belief, is based on myths about Sidhe Mounds, Faerie forts, which were said to have been used for housing, or temporary shelter, by Faeries. Some even claimed, that secret tunnels could be found in Faerie forts, that led underground.      
    A much less popular theory, which I know much less about, concerns 'The Land Under The Waves', an aquatic version of Tir Na nOg (No, the capital in the middle of nOg is not a mistake, it is Gaelic spelling).    Tir Na nOg, meaning The Land Of Youth, is supposedly an 'otherworld', which, according to Celtic myths, Faeries inhabited to escape from mankind, as they felt we would endanger their ways. In 'The Land Of Youth', it is said you never grow old (reminds you of Neverneverland doesn't it?), and you would live among the Faerie folk. Many Irish and Scottish tunes (very old ones), are said to be derived from Faerie music, which were taught to those who stumbled into the Faerie realm.          

Many cultures have different beliefs on thier location, such as Wiccans, who, if I'm not mistaken, believe they exist in the elemental realm. (If I am incorrect on this, please correct me)

One who is all-powerful should fear everything

"See how your thumb can cover your eye and prevent the entire night sky from being seen? So too, can a small mind hide the truth."

Carpe Nocturnem



what is an Elemental realm?
I felt like putting a diffrent Signature so I decide to just say this...


i have read that faeries live in another world all to themselves. the only way to get ther (i have read) is to be chosen by a unicorn
shadow is light to those who live in darkness


i think that faeries do sort of lie in thier own world, but that it isn't as far off as every one thinks. I also think that tthere isn't just one place that they live
just because one has seen the unseen does not make them unhuman

Naughty Faery

I have read that different types live in different places. Like some live in the water and others underground.
Live it, Breathe it, Be it.


darien not sure what books you are reading?you should read up on scotlands history and the isle of mccloud i think that is how you spell it.If they chose to show you that is one thing but very doubtful since most fays look down on humankind.
We are the warriors of Light forging into the darkness.


i think that it is true that they took down on human kind, but not as much as everyone think. I also think that  they live in here with us, but possibely  hidden from our closed minds
just because one has seen the unseen does not make them unhuman


I believe faeries are nature's angels...they're everywhere, just like angels.

M Sidhe

I think this topic is good enough to comment about, even if its' old.

A common theory of Faeries is that they are too good for Hell, but to bad for Heaven so they remain on Earth. But they have to 'pay' a tribute to Hell with a human soul I believe, and a celebration once every year.


much like any other species, they have the ability to roam about the world, but it is my own personal opinion that they prefer places that are more natural like forests or even nature parks.


i dunno what your heard, but i heard they live in ya head :mrgreen:

M Sidhe

Quote from: bluemoon567 on November 08, 2006, 01:27:42 PM
much like any other species, they have the ability to roam about the world, but it is my own personal opinion that they prefer places that are more natural like forests or even nature parks.

They are considered nature spirits, so obiviously they'll be walking around natural areas and not cities. And don't call them species, they're not animals. They're higher beings then you and I.


I think faeries live in a place called Avalon(which is the popular name for the place between earth and heaven, or earth and hell) and sometimes they are often called fallen angels. It's cute ^^ but I believe it's because they weren't good enough for heaven, like someone stated above.

M Sidhe

This is true, there are many theories that they are fallen angels, but weren't bad enough for Hell. Avalon is actually a kind of Otherworld, not nessiciarlly Heaven, but the Otherworlds would be my next choice if I died.


I read and I guess this is the place I most stick with, but I believe they live in The Invisible World. It's all around us but most of us can't see it.

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