
Homo homini monstrum - Victor Hugo, (The Hunchback of Notre-Dame)

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The Faerie location

Started by Shadowling, December 26, 2004, 03:43:18 PM

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What is your particular view on thier location?

Why, Tir Na nOg of course!
4 (25%)
Underground. Duh...
0 (0%)
The Land Under The Waves. Where else?
1 (6.3%)
Since when did they go anywhere? Thier still here!
3 (18.8%)
No where. They don't exist. Period.
2 (12.5%)
Where else but the Elemental realm?
2 (12.5%)
I have a different idea. (If so, please state it)
1 (6.3%)
Don't ask me... I have no clue....
3 (18.8%)

Total Members Voted: 3

Voting closed: December 26, 2004, 03:43:18 PM

M Sidhe

Correct! They do live in a world that is invisible to us, but still is in our world. Though some of us can see them they use their magic called 'glamour' to hide from us. They also have realms like Otherworlds and Tir Na N Og... Or however you spell it.


Yes! Thankyou for reminding me of Glamour.

M Sidhe

Anytime you want to know something then just PM me.


I believe they live in our world.
Mostly because I (very scientificly) have read up on matter, anti-matter and parallel to me there are parrallel fairies in 'otherworlds' but our own in this one... :-)

Also, Tir Na N'Og is believed, to some pagan Irish, to be an afterworld in the west...some believe fairys live there aswel as in our living world...there is alot of different beliefs about it...


...e s c a p e...t h e...f a t e...


It has been said that if you go into the wooded areas at midnight on Midsummer Night you can take the dew from beneath the frond of a fern, wipe it onto your eyelids and be able to see the Fae....
Curiosity, it killed the cat, but what she learned brought her back.


wow :o has anyone recently seen any faeries ??

and how many other realms are there that would inlclude faeries ?
Rejected and abandoned by all, as i walk fear is marked by the eyes of all...


I had thought I answered this but I will do it again.

If humans can adapt to many environments then why not anything else? Faeries can live on earth, the astral realm, other planets and realms too. There is no one set location for them, they are everywhere.

On this world they hide from humans because humans have been separated from the spiritual plane. Meaning: humans can't see spirits or faeries. Now this is changing, now days many individuals are capable of seeing such things and out knowledge of such lore is being rekindled. But the majority of people still cannot see them.

Faeries are said to be able to appear before humans if they wish to be seen. But being infamous for their pranks I would be cautious.
If my life is worthless then death must be my currency to spend.

I Love Wolves

that helped me to understand the Fae more... thanks matthew  :-)


yes i actually remembered... and looked it up lol.. sorry matthew :(
Rejected and abandoned by all, as i walk fear is marked by the eyes of all...

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