
Tell us, pray, what devil
This melancholy is, which can transform
Men into monsters... - John Ford

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Film making

Started by Anonymous, May 17, 2003, 07:51:06 PM

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I was just wondering if anyone could inform me on how much work goes into making a movie.  so i know if i want to make one or not.



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You can run and you can hide
But some day you the demons will find


Well I really dont Know but what I'm doing is gathering all my friends and were all going to make a ZOMBIE movie! Well first u need to make a script of the movie,Give ppl ther parts, Decide on ware to shoot the scence, have some props, and go around practicing with the actors on what to do. Well thats what i'm doing so my actors can get it down and than when they know what to do and their parts and stuff I start shooting with my video camera!


A movie can cost virtually nothing as long as you have one or two god digital camera, actors and experience with software like avid.

Search for the Blair Witch Project on the Net, a good example of an inspired movie made on a shoestring ....
The greatest trick the devil ever played was convincing the world that he did not exist." - Charles Baudelaire (French and monstrous poet).


I think the most important thing is the talent involved and the concept.  Blair Witch was a great example of a film which didn't cost a whole lot but was well made and had an excellent concept.  And of course, make sure when you're doing the film you are enjoying yourself and having fun.


Does anybody want to make a film ?
The greatest trick the devil ever played was convincing the world that he did not exist." - Charles Baudelaire (French and monstrous poet).


Heck yes! I've been obsessed with the idea of filmmaking ever since I watched the extra stuff on the FotR EE DVD...I'm taking a Video Production class next trimester.



give me a camqurter and a miget and Im ready to film.


Jeese people need to start posting; this is a good topic.

and i will be making many films in my lifetime.
Some men just want to watch the world burn.


Hey Guys.

I do not want to make myself unpopular on the site, and, well, maybe I missed something?
But the "Blair Witch Project?" C'mon were not really serious are we, a few sticks hanging in the trees, wildly shaking camerawork, and a bunch of people just running around screaming "fark" "s**t" etc.
I'm sorry but I really could not get into it at all. But, as I mentioned, maybe I missed something.

Good luck with all your filmaking, you can do a lot better that "BWP", in my opinion.


 I agree with you there, Vivid. The only thing worse was "House of 1000 Corpses." Gag... talk about trash!
...The monster in the cage
       Is coming for you...


Anybody know if I can download movie maker? I wanna make short films, MVs with it, but we don't got it on our computer. :cry:


I've actually been in a couple of independent horror/thriller/shocker films that a friend of mine produced and entered in the sundance film festival. Also worked in the new transformers movie, yes thats no lie I got the pics to prove it. In fact in one of the opening scenes when the helicopter lands I'm actually in the back of it. Its alot more work than one might expect making a movie. Maybe someday my friend will get some big wig's attention and you'll see me in his first bigscreen production  *<:)  He does web designs right now OmegaWulf designs, llc. Think he has a website, not sure.
Nothing brings you closer to reality
Than the taste
Of rejection

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