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Started by sheila, October 17, 2009, 11:24:03 PM

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i have been going throw the post on here and well truth be told I'm overwhelmed by it all. so I'm not sure where to start or what to put. so I'm going to put this and start my own topic. I'm new to the site and to chats likes these, since I'm really used to IM groups more, but I'm not new to the therian world. i have known what i am for the past 3 years now, and yes i have looked to every possable reason for the things i do. none seem to explain what was going on, but therian.
i just thought i would say hi to everyone and give a little info about myself.
this shell i live in is nothing but a shell of my true self but I'll live everyday without regret in.


Hi welcome to monstrous

i know exactly where youre coming from , i havent been on this site long. but ive been aware of the therian world too. reason why im here is , that know its seems i might well be one , yes , after looking at all the other reasons.


  The new are always welcome as long as they are respectful and seek true understanding of what others in society consider taboo.  Worry not about expressing your beliefs or asking questions, no matter how strange others may think them, as you will almost always find one here who will have an answer for you.  You are correct that relating to others on a forum like this is vastly different than using an IM, but I am sure you will find it vastly more rewarding.  I hope you both (I am including Lupis on this too) enjoy your stay here at Monstrous and become contributing members to the understanding of the "Other side" of life. If you have any questions or needs please feel free to contact any of the Moderators and we will take care of it post haste.

  P.S.  This is just a friendly piece of advice.  While we do tolerate skepticism from fellow members, and even expect it, it must be demonstrated in a professional manner.  Anyone attempting to make fun of others beliefs or ways of life simply because they think that they will get away with it, will be met with the forums displeasure.  If you scan through the older post you will see what I am referring to.  Play nice and follow the rules, break them at your own consequence.  Again, welcome to Monstrous and enjoy your stay.
In remembrance of Moonbaby, one of the brightest and most glorious stars to ever grace the Monstrous community.  Missed you will be, forgotten NEVER.


i want to thank both muerte and lupus in repling to the post. btw muerte i wouldn't dream of ever putting any one down. i mean why would i? we are own person are own thing. we may have one thing incomen with each other but we all go to it differently, different ways of going throw things, different beliefs. what we are is not something that is written in a book. it isn't something that we can base it off of one thing. for this we have to go on others experiences and our own. how could we make fun of someone when we are ourselves know very little about in the first place? it is good to come here when you do not know and can see how to do things or come here and help other that haven't a clue what to do and thanks lupus for being on the same page as me nice to know someone who is as confused.
this shell i live in is nothing but a shell of my true self but I'll live everyday without regret in.


Quote from: sheila on October 18, 2009, 09:32:28 PM
i want to thank both muerte and lupus in repling to the post. btw muerte i wouldn't dream of ever putting any one down. i mean why would i? we are own person are own thing. we may have one thing incomen with each other but we all go to it differently, different ways of going throw things, different beliefs. what we are is not something that is written in a book. it isn't something that we can base it off of one thing. for this we have to go on others experiences and our own. how could we make fun of someone when we are ourselves know very little about in the first place? it is good to come here when you do not know and can see how to do things or come here and help other that haven't a clue what to do and thanks lupus for being on the same page as me nice to know someone who is as confused.

Plenty of others have tried, Sheila, and have become nothing but so much dust in the fiber optic cables of the internet thanks to myself, Muerte, and to some extent Markus and a few others.

Enjoy your stay, both of you.


lol for once im not causing confusion ^^
yep , its always nice to find some more confused than you , but you seem to be in control of it more than me >.<


Quote from: Lupus on October 23, 2009, 04:28:54 AM
lol for once im not causing confusion ^^
yep , its always nice to find some more confused than you , but you seem to be in control of it more than me >.<

i'm starting to get use to it. lol you seem to be getting better at it bc you've posted more then i have. XD
this shell i live in is nothing but a shell of my true self but I'll live everyday without regret in.


true.... i'm too used to using msn and other im as opposed to forums. slowly getting there though  *<:)


Welcoe sheila.

All of us here at monstrous will be happy to help you if you have any questions.
I am the spirit of the wolf, the fire of it's heart.

Sometimes life seems too quiet
Into paralyzing silence
Like the moonless dark

-Sorrow by Flyleaf


Quote from: Erin_wolf on November 10, 2009, 04:57:02 PM

Questions? Did someone mention questions? What questions? I must answer them. aaaaaaaaah  <^>
Don't seek faith, let faith seek you.


thanks i'll ask when i can think of any. lol
this shell i live in is nothing but a shell of my true self but I'll live everyday without regret in.

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