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Kill Bill predicts actors death?

Started by oldbill4823, November 28, 2009, 01:42:38 AM

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Quentin Tarantino's two-part samurai revenge movie Kill Bill was originally going to star Warren Beatty as Bill, head of an assassination squad and the quarry of a vengeful Uma Thurman. But when the actor and director fell out over the project, Beatty suggested hiring the man Tarantino had based Bill on in the first place: David Carradine. Famous for playing a fighting Shaolin monk in the 1970s TV series Kung Fu , Carradine had made scores of schlocky action films and cowboy movies that were right up Tarantino's street. Carradine was 65 and well past his heyday when he went to China for the Kill Bill shoot, and he later admitted he had wanted to work with Tarantino since they had met six years earlier: "I figured he could be my salvation. He did it for Travolta, and I'm much more his style." In his everyday life, Carradine affected a hybrid Oriental-cowboy style of dress, and the Kill Bill wardrobe staff used whole rails of the actor's own clothing for research. He later said that Bill was very similar to him, sharing "my literacy and my hipness and my modernity" — though he stressed that he didn't really "go around killing people with samurai swords". While Bill is boss of the Deadly Viper Assassination Squad, Carradine played in a real band called the Cosmic Rescue Team. Bill's code name is "Snake Charmer", and Carradine starred in two films with "Serpent" in their titles: The Serpent's Egg (1977) and The Winged Serpent (1982). Carradine was born under the Chinese sign of the rat ­— and Bill insists that the squad doesn't sneak into Thurman's bedroom and kill her in the night "like a filthy rat". Bill succumbs to the "five-point palm exploding heart technique", and the man who played him also had an unusual demise. Carradine was found dead in a Bangkok hotel room in June, aged 72, with police suspicions focusing on the possibility of suffocation during an auto-erotic act.

From the Times Newspaper.28/11/2009

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