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Ten Signs of the Superior Person

Started by Loki, December 12, 2009, 03:14:00 AM

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An awareness of oneself and ones dreams and aspirations. Being true to these without allowing outside influence or judgements to create change, and all the while accepting and understanding without judgmentation those views.  Though I may be true to myself,  my truth may also be a lie. 
Curiosity, it killed the cat, but what she learned brought her back.


Quote from: Loki on December 12, 2009, 03:14:00 AM
By Tibetan Master Milarepa

1.   To have little pride and envy is the sign of the superior person.

2.   To have few desires and satisfaction with simple things is the sign
        of the superior person.

3.   To be lacking in hypocrisy and deceit is the sign of the superior person.

4.   To regulate one's conduct in accordance with the law of cause and effect
        as carefully as one would guard the pupils of one's eyes is the sign
        of the superior person.

5.   To be faithful in one's engagement and obligations is the sign of the
        superior person.

6.   To be able to keep alive friendships while regarding all beings with
        impartiality is the sign of the superior person.

7.   To look with pity and without anger upon those who live evilly is the
        sign of the superior person.

8.   To allow others the victory, taking on the defeat, is the sign of the
        superior person.

9.   To differ from the multitude in every thought and deed is the sign of
        the superior person.

10.  To observe faithfully and without pride one's spiritual vows is the sign
        of the superior person.

  1. Half and half, I have no envy of anyone, but I do have Pride.

  2. Yes

  3. Yes

  4. Yes, to me balance is paramount.

  5. Yes, as well as I am able.

  6. Yes

  7. No

  8. Again, Half and Half.  If I know I am in the right then I will never admit to a defeat.

  9. YES

  10. This is a hard one because I don't think I really have any "Spirituality".

  6 Yes's  1 No  2 half and half and a I have no idea.............................So what does that make me?
In remembrance of Moonbaby, one of the brightest and most glorious stars to ever grace the Monstrous community.  Missed you will be, forgotten NEVER.


True to yourself, honest, and real....
Curiosity, it killed the cat, but what she learned brought her back.


What defines spirituality anyway? For all we know, muerte could be a monk.
The closer you get to light, the greater your shadow becomes.
But don't be afraid. And don't forget...
You hold the mightiest weapon of all.
-Kingdom Hearts


So what makes it this person's place to decide what is and isn't a superior quality anyway?
New Signature


Superior is subjective, not unlike the word beauty.  Same with inferior.  At any rate, whichever "definition" of superior and inferior you use, there will always be someone superior compared to you and someone inferior to you.  But the truth is, I would never call someone superior or inferior in polite conversation.

We could say the ten signs of the beautiful person and run into the same issue, being its subjectivity.

There is something to be said for confidence but when we start thinking we are superior (or inferior) to someone I think we run into hot water.
You are doing something very sacred here, something very daring, during your life upon the earth. You are defining yourself, and then recreating yourself anew, in each golden moment of Now.

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