
I think you have to know who you are. Get to know the monster that lives in your soul, dive deep into your soul and explore it. - Tori Amos

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Fast Healing

Started by matthew321, January 07, 2010, 06:48:58 PM

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So I have this friend of mine. He is a little younger then me. Whenever he gets cut or injured all he has to do is pour hydrogen peroxide or alcohol and it will heal immediately. (alcohol seems to work better) There is still a mark where the wound was but it seals up really fast and holds pretty okay. Now when I mean fast I mean less then two seconds. He had a pretty good cut on his foot and he poured hydrogen Peroxide and it healed immediately. I have seen him do this. Now here is an interesting thing about it. If he purposely gets hurt then his wounds will heal at a normal rate it has to be an unsuspecting injury for this to work.

I'm wondering if anyone has heard of this or what you guys think.
If my life is worthless then death must be my currency to spend.


  Never heard of it myself outside of Lizards and star fish, but that is not qiute the same either.
In remembrance of Moonbaby, one of the brightest and most glorious stars to ever grace the Monstrous community.  Missed you will be, forgotten NEVER.


So it scabs over really fast? hmm never heard of something like that.


QuoteNow here is an interesting thing about it. If he purposely gets hurt then his wounds will heal at a normal rate it has to be an unsuspecting injury for this to work.

That seems farfetched. I was with you until that came into the equasion. I do have a friend who can heal very quickly though, but it still takes a night or so, maybe if he poured alcohol or hydrogen peroxide on his cuts, they would heal more quickly but I don't think he's ever really tried it.

It could just be a quirk, rate of healing varies quite a lot between people?
She says that all energy is only borrowed; at some point you have to return it.


He have a good metabolism in his body.
And eats allot of protein I presume.

The H2O2 and C2H6O is just used for disinfection of wounds, no more, no less.

The blood to coagulate and proteins/platelets to synthesis and function for clotting and
repairing the damaged area is purely based on the physiology of a person.

Some it takes days, but some under seconds like your friend here, but on average it
take for a small external cut, let say on the back of the hand takes about 3-20 min to
clot and gets completely repaired on the next day.

There is nothing here. Move along.


Well I think it might be a mental influence on the not healing fast when injured on purpose. But maybe he just has something figured out that we don't.

I just thought I would ask if anyone could relate.
If my life is worthless then death must be my currency to spend.

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