
Homo homini monstrum - Victor Hugo, (The Hunchback of Notre-Dame)

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Started by Darkus69, March 16, 2010, 09:22:09 PM

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Hey I met this guy on Monday and i noticed that he seems to have a strange ability. For one he can make his eye color change on command but whenever it changes it turns purple before becoming the color he likes. (i.e. blue-purple-green) He can also just change his eye color to purple as a main color rather than a transition color. He doesn't wear contacts to make them appear purple because me and my best friend have seen him change eye colors. Also according to his mom they both had bronchitis once, but within a few hours of seeing a doctor he had already recovered from his sickness. So I'm just wondering if this normal or if it's biokinesis.
All light cast shadow, and where there is shadow there will allways be DARKNESS


Biokinesis? To move life? :-) Sorry, I couldn't help but point out the problems with the word hahah

Lots of people in psi communities don't like that, when people make up "-kinesis" words. Just a tip in case you ever hang out on a psionics forum and such, just stick with psychokinesis or telekinesis. It's like "pyrokinesis"; you're not doing anything different from psychokinesis, you're moving a material thing. In most communities it would be considered fluff to do that. Just so you know :wink:

So, about that ability...

I can see three solutions here:
A) He's actually shapeshifting on a small scope.
B) He's working some telepathy, suggesting to people's senses that his eyes are actually of that color.
C) He's doing something with the light, maybe some sort of telekinesis to keep a certain frequency of light from rebounding off his iris to change the color. Either making his iris absorb that light or simply making it not reach his iris, I don't know and we can't really tell at this point.

Most will say case A is unlikely, since it would involve modifying his DNA. I, though, think it's rather likely since that could explain why he has to go through that intermediate state, which would be illogical for case B. It could, however, be explained with case C. It all depends on how he's bending the light, but it could be that he's making the light rebounding off his iris go at a higher frequency, but making it shift too slow for the changes to seem instantaneous. (violet is the highest frequency of visible light)

So it's most likely not a mental thing, but a physical one. (Although we can't rule out B completely; the subconscious doesn't always work in a way a conscious mind can understand.)

Do you think he's doing it consciously or not? If he is, does he know what exactly he's doing, or is he just "doing it"? That's the thing with this sort of stuff, it's often either done subconsciously or it's done through reflexes and you don't know exactly what you're doing, you're just doing it. (I mean, we still haven't explained what exactly it is we do when we work telekinesis, right?)

As for the sickness, it would be healing. Healing's often part of a psion's spectrum of abilities; I wouldn't be surprised if someone with such a talent had more than one (instinctive or not) ability.

Is it normal? What is normal, really... Eyes do change color naturally (mine, for example, vary between green and brown) depending on the environment and mood, but not so rapidly and not with intermediate states like his. This is definitely not what I'd call normal.
Seek not beauty in battle. Seek not beauty in death. Consider not your own life. If you wish to protect that which must be protected, then strike when your opponent's back is turned.


Hey i called it biokinesis because thats what i heard it was called. But anyways i know that he consciously is able to change the color of his eyes, but i don't know if he does it reflexively or if he knows what he triggers when he changes colors.
All light cast shadow, and where there is shadow there will allways be DARKNESS


Quote from: Darkus69 on March 17, 2010, 06:39:03 AM
Hey i called it biokinesis because thats what i heard it was called.

I'm just saying, I've seen people get pissed off real bad because new guys on a sire used "pyrokinesis" and "chronokinesis" and whatnot. It jut becomes irritating. You might want to check your sources, though; it's too bad, but most psi websites are filled with bulls**t.

Quote from: Darkus69 on March 17, 2010, 06:39:03 AM
But anyways i know that he consciously is able to change the color of his eyes, but i don't know if he does it reflexively or if he knows what he triggers when he changes colors.

You should ask him, it would be cool to know. 'Cause there are many possibilities to what he might be doing, we can't tell for sure which one it is without his input.
Seek not beauty in battle. Seek not beauty in death. Consider not your own life. If you wish to protect that which must be protected, then strike when your opponent's back is turned.


Well we were supposed to get together for a LAN party at his house tonight, but that ended up falling through so i probably won't see him till tomarrow at least. But I'll be sure to find out and report back here.
All light cast shadow, and where there is shadow there will allways be DARKNESS


Please do, the subject's caught my interest now :P
Seek not beauty in battle. Seek not beauty in death. Consider not your own life. If you wish to protect that which must be protected, then strike when your opponent's back is turned.

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