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The Human Warrior.

Started by Redfan45x, April 21, 2010, 09:50:40 PM

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Loki is getting sour and pessimistic in his old age. Thats the result of being several thousand years old and pursued for non payment of tax. Its enough to make immortal being turn bitter.

My view of humans and warriorship is a little different. Yes organisational systems of politics and religion come and go. Evolution of the planet and humans as a species continues, much of it blind response to changing stimuli, very occaisionally conscious and directed. That i think is what makes a person a warrior are those moments where we take responsibility for the fact that we are alive and will die one day. Living  life questioning what being alive is, aware of the utter mystery and wonder of it.

We have an animal side to us as humans, primitive drives and desires that command us. We also have higher reasoning and civilised side to us. We also have a magical mysterious spiritual side to us.
Being a warrior is living all of these things with purpose and direction, despite all our shortcomings and personal faults.
Being a warrior is all about shining our spirit, forging our character in the face of all we percieve and going as far as we can with our findings.


I'd like to bring up a thought before i return to the shadows of internet isolation for another week.

Every culture has its own Idea about what their warriors aught to be like, some prefer a berserk rage to a calm tactical strike, still others desire perfection in a single move.
And then there are those who's ideals transcend mere battle and flow into the realm of mysticism and enlightenment.

Martial arts themselves vary and trade importance between different aspects of battle despite being founded on similar principles.

Each of us has some  ideal that we hold to our hears.

What is your"Ideal Warrior"?

I'd suggest that you put a name on it. Like the soldier, knight, guardian,..etc, just to differentiate it from everyone elses........ Or maybe my post will get shafted to a topic all its own.
The closer you get to light, the greater your shadow becomes.
But don't be afraid. And don't forget...
You hold the mightiest weapon of all.
-Kingdom Hearts

rave phillaphia

Quote from: Redfan45x on April 21, 2010, 09:50:40 PM
I know I am in the company of many non humans and or otherkins therians and etc. And this is good because we all should be one.
But are there any other who call themselves human and a true human, a human of warrior life?
Any who find a thrill in the dance of spears or the clash of bladed steel or of charging into a battle with smoke around you and tanks and helicopters by your side.
We humans fight til the end and die for some of the greatest (and dumbest) things.
Some humans fight and or are inspired by love, or their country or a flag
to me my love for my lover is great and when one even speaks of her wrong or of harming her or trying to take her they risk a spear in their belly for even thinking of hurting my beloved. When she is in pain I am there always forever by herside.
Also my country and flag inspires me, with todays threats from the un honorable nation of Iran who believes they are so mighty and can crush my country. When I see this I get defensive and want to charge in with a American flag on a spear headed poll with thousands behind me and crush my countries enemies for even thinking they can match America in military power.

But for me and other warriors at the end of the battle and when the spears are calmed and quiet, nothing matters to me more then my lady, for she is in my heart forever and is in my mind always. She keeps me alive, she is what brings me back everyday from this dance with life. Without her I am just a name a face. With her I am everything she has and she is everything I have.

There is nothing wrong with having pride for your country but by being ignorant of what is actually going on in the political realm is what causes people to rally and back up on falsified claims for war. I really think you misunderstand where Iran is coming from. They really don't want to go to war with us. No country really desires war, it really is the military leaders that run that show and manipulate the uneducated thoughts to say it is a 'justified war' when in actuallity it is more about ego and power control. Yes this is why I will never go into politics. Instead I show people where the other people come from so that there can be a balance and not misunderstanding because that leads to more human suffering and benefits the higher classes who thrive on political and material gain.


The Ideal Warrior For Me Would Be Fin MacCool He Was Raised By His Just Her He Was Taught To Fight Love And Heal He Killed a Giant With A Single Toss Of A Rock He Ate The Salmon Of Knowledge And Became Irelands Greatest Hero
'Every man has his price'
- Sir Robert Walpole
'There is only one difference between a madman and me. The madman thinks he is sane. I know I am mad.'
- Salvador Dali


Odysseus is my man. He is the true warrior going back to his family after numerous ordeals and monsters killing.
The greatest trick the devil ever played was convincing the world that he did not exist." - Charles Baudelaire (French and monstrous poet).

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