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How do you see yourself?

Started by Lupus, May 10, 2010, 01:54:31 PM

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As a Therian or Otherkin , what do you think of yourself? The question is very generic , so let me pose these questions.
Firstly , do you ever wonder if youre wrong , that youre using the term therian to hide behind?

How do you think other people see you?

I ask these two questions because i wonder ; yes , monstrous is a site of like minded people , but what would other people think?

I'd be a hypocrite not to answer my own questions , so here you go.
Sometimes , yes , i do wonder if i actually came to the correct conclusion.

Since only two people know , i dont think that they take it seriously. The topic has faded from thought and not resurfaced.


I'm not a therian. I'm a vampire but I still get what you mean. I don't doubt myself though. I know what I am. Doesn't mean I like it though. I did bring it up to friends when I was younger but in the end being a teenager was hard enough so I just stopped it and it was left alone. I am 24 now and I just keep it my secret. My fiance doesn't even know. Been off the red stuff for a while now and I never did learn that psychic energy thing so I just get by day to day, like an ex-junkie. Do you keep it a secret? How do you let your inner animal out? I had to learn to lock mine away.
Fools rush in where angels fear to tread. Alexander Pope.

Symphonic Soul

I see the inner dragon. So does my brother, his girlfriend, my boyfriend, and our sister. For everyone else's peace of mind I exhert a cat-like persona. A glamour. I do this mainly because I don't know how to "act human" and it's cute. It serves my purposes because I'm a small, but intimidating girl. Through all this, I never forget what's inside.
I thought I was crazy for a bit, before I met others like me in high school. I still have contact with them.
Some people give me odd looks for the cat thing but no one says anything to me. Most expect me to do this:  <^>. Sometimes I wish I could do that.... A few things could have been avoided and drama could have not started. People talk behind my back, but I don't really care. One day maybe I'll do  <^> and the talking will stop. (That's my official favorite icon!)
The monster's loose, you've lost your last excuse! Now, show me that you've got it, even when you crawl! The monster's loose, this game is win or lose. Sometimes you've gotta do it and show the world you want it all!


I'm normal, I hope. I'm not sure, I'm usually the type who tries to blend into the background but gets found anyway. I live a normal, quiet, teenage life. I'm awkward, and not modest. I have sins, and I have sinned... alot. I'm your basic human being, nothing special. Content. Other people.. Hmm.. I'm not sure if opther people actually see me. I get skipped over in attendance alot in class. I'm not necesarilly popular, but I'm not an outcast either.. I have very loud friends, so it's easy for me to hide. I could be seen as weird, quiet sometimes, but other than that, I'm not really seen.
Do not forgive, do not forget.
Wisdom does not always lie in age.


I'm normal... for the most part, if I  was mixed with something i'd keep it a secret, Then again how long can one keep the beast all locked up?
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