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Move a solid through a solid

Started by matthew321, May 18, 2010, 03:16:25 PM

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Alright so I have a friend of a friend of a friend etc. (we will say they are male) He was playing with his brother when he was younger. When he was playing he tried to crawl away because they were wrestling and his brother's arm just went right through his leg. Like a ghost would through a solid person. It was only for a short while but his brother did notice it and was saying "what the hell just happened?" Exclaiming that my friend had phased through him.

This was about eight years ago FYI

Anyone ever hear of someone doing this?

I have heard this person's brother also speak of a friend of his that could walk through walls. But I have not witnessed it.
If my life is worthless then death must be my currency to spend.


Yes there isn't that much on the Internet about it, but some call it phasing and there's two small articles on it on psipog.
Some feel safe in the light some feel safe in the dark which are you?


Tahts impossible moving a right arm to the left leg............


Well ladygriffin you are right about solids being relative. There is a large amount of space between atoms and if you can vibrate your molecules between them then in theory this is possible.

But doing this at will is proving to be difficult.
If my life is worthless then death must be my currency to spend.


Like a ghost movement that aint true how could u do that without excessive force men <^>


Or maybe u can ask that kid what just happened im not so sure about my comment....... the one his arm go through the leg...... ask him maybe he knows what just happened........


His right leg phased through one of his brother's arms. (Or did his brother phase through him?)

It was the right leg's chin that became ethereal. This lasted for less then 3 seconds but just enough to phase through.
If my life is worthless then death must be my currency to spend.


Hey guys i dont really much understand this topic but can i ask u?????? it was last year???
last month??? or what???????


Hey matthew just why did u know it the walkthrough walls the phased arm and leg and al those who told you???


keanz, next time: use your edit button
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"Yes, I made my avatar... Yes I made everything myself, and No I did not use any existing pictures" ^_^


Because I thought it was normal to use the friend of a friend to have some anonymity.  So I know the person this happened to well but I am not letting my cat out of the bag.

Just trust me they went in great detail about this event. It was even acted out so I have a good understanding of it.

My friend's brother had this friend who I guess told him that they could walk through walls (too many pronouns). Their brother as far as I know retained this knowledge through word of mouth not actually seeing it in person. My friend's brother was quite vague on the information disclosed about this. However I ruled out all other methods besides an ability. I made sure it wasn't a lie, trick, etc. So my questions narrowed it down to an ability but I never got any farther then that. There was an odd deference to pursuing the topic.
If my life is worthless then death must be my currency to spend.

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