
It is perfectly monstrous the way people go about nowadays saying things against one, behind one's back, that are absolutely and entirely true. - Oscar Wilde

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An idea, although I hate to say it

Started by KillFast, June 13, 2010, 07:38:25 AM

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So I am a firm believer in extraterrestrial life; including advanced life. But after thinking in my room the other day I had an idea:

Our brain (and other intelligent life) is the engine that gives the lifeless construct of the universe its reality (at least according to the holographic reality principle and most agreed upon by modern physics [except those damn objectivists :P]). Because of this maybe we cannot contact the other intelligent life forms because everything in the universe is interpreted through our collective consciousness. And then therefore they also have the same ability and so perhaps they have a different picture painted. Perhaps the realm of mind keeps us separated in different dimensions so to speak. However intelligent life is only limited to how far down the rabbit hole they wish to go and so I propose that it is possible to bridge these dimensions. It may be possible for us to find irregularities in the universe to show traces of other intelligent life.

So I propose that the contact we have witnessed concerning extraterrestrial life are extra dimensional beings; life that has bridged that gap through science. Maybe we don't even need science maybe we can alter our minds to bridge the gap and allow us to see the totality, but then again maybe we should not attempt such things.

Just an idea I had :P
Death is not a sanction of life but a side effect of incomplete design. I will not suffer at the hands of a mold without a mind; we shall break this limitation!


you mean like sensing lifeforms and powers through the universe like DBZ? if so, I thought about that, I can sometimes sense when people are near and such because I sense their energy, so I also tought it to be possible to extend the reach in which you can sense these things and maybe find other lifeforms...
problem is, nothing goes faster than the speed of light, so that said it's still unlikely that you'll find any lifeforms even if you can use this ability on an infinite reach, you need time to get there, and our own galaxy is 100 lightyears wide, so that's the distance that light travels in 100 years... the next galaxy is even further away, so I still deem it impossible
even if we would receive contact from extra terrestials it won't prove they exist, maybe that message was sent out millions of years ago by a now extinct race... there are lots of variables to use in account, for example, supernova's emit Gamma waves, which are lethal, everything within 100 light years has 0% chance of survival. This is a theory why we are, as far as we know, the only livable planet in the universe, because lots of potential planets don't get to the intelligent inhabitants because of the frequency of supernova's in the universe.
The delay you get when you send something in the universe and when the other side receives it is so large that even if today our first transmission we sent into space reaches another sapient planet, the time we get a response will take at least the same time to get back (depending when they response)
So if you would extend your field of sensing to a larger radius, it would also mean that the time needed to extend to that range is also needed to get the feeling back to you.
Fight for those you've lost and fight for those you don't want to lose! -LeXtruX-
"Yes, I made my avatar... Yes I made everything myself, and No I did not use any existing pictures" ^_^


So how do you propose altering the mind to bridge the gap that you speak of?


Quote from: oldbill4823 on June 13, 2010, 01:14:07 PM
So how do you propose altering the mind to bridge the gap that you speak of?
if you talk about what I said, I haven't found out yet, I just have studied what results I could get if it were possible, but even then it would be no use^^
Fight for those you've lost and fight for those you don't want to lose! -LeXtruX-
"Yes, I made my avatar... Yes I made everything myself, and No I did not use any existing pictures" ^_^

Carson Dane

Could "other dimentions" be different levels of consciousness in the same universe?

Is the "gap" our lack of knowledge of  the "physics of conciousness"?

Scientific Remote Viewing (SRV) may represent the initial evidence to understand that perhaps our sub-conscious minds hold the secret to traveling at here-to-for unimaginable speeds. 

I'm about halfway through a book called Cosmic Voyage and already seem to be thinking of my out-of-bodies, astral projections, channeling,and even perhaps dreams - as unified under a single theory - remote viewing.  I can only explain my experiences as random remote viewing, however, SRV and researchers and scholars looking into the physics of consciosness may be onto something to explain the gap...

I recently experienced a "dark retreat";  It only took ~30 seconds to get to the darkness beyond all the galaxies.  BTW I was comfortably bilocated during the entire experience.

"The cause for aging and death in human types must be using the brain in manners inconsistent with reality.  The reality of nature is whatever it is; perhaps believing it is something other than what it is, is deadly."


Quote from: LeXtruX on June 13, 2010, 08:00:11 AM
you mean like sensing lifeforms and powers through the universe like DBZ? if so, I thought about that, I can sometimes sense when people are near and such because I sense their energy, so I also tought it to be possible to extend the reach in which you can sense these things and maybe find other lifeforms...
problem is, nothing goes faster than the speed of light, so that said it's still unlikely that you'll find any lifeforms even if you can use this ability on an infinite reach, you need time to get there, and our own galaxy is 100 lightyears wide, so that's the distance that light travels in 100 years... the next galaxy is even further away, so I still deem it impossible
even if we would receive contact from extra terrestials it won't prove they exist, maybe that message was sent out millions of years ago by a now extinct race... there are lots of variables to use in account, for example, supernova's emit Gamma waves, which are lethal, everything within 100 light years has 0% chance of survival. This is a theory why we are, as far as we know, the only livable planet in the universe, because lots of potential planets don't get to the intelligent inhabitants because of the frequency of supernova's in the universe.
The delay you get when you send something in the universe and when the other side receives it is so large that even if today our first transmission we sent into space reaches another sapient planet, the time we get a response will take at least the same time to get back (depending when they response)
So if you would extend your field of sensing to a larger radius, it would also mean that the time needed to extend to that range is also needed to get the feeling back to you.

Wrong on several facts...

First, the speed of light, "c", only applies in Einsteinian physics. When you get down to the quantum level, there is no such thing as speed. Look up "Quantum Entanglement". What you will find will blow your mind!

Also, our galaxy is one hundred thousand light years across, not one hundred light years. The nearest galaxies to us, the Large & Small Magellanic clouds, the Sagittarius Dwarf Eliptical, and the Canis Major Dwarf Galaxy, are all between forty two thousand and two hundred ten thousand light years distant.

Now, as for how soon you could speak to an alien mind, or receive a response, using quantum entanglement, you would both transmit and receive each message instantaneously - regardless of distance.


hmm ok, about the 1k lightyears across, that's what I meant.
about the quatum entanglement, I'll look it up^^
Fight for those you've lost and fight for those you don't want to lose! -LeXtruX-
"Yes, I made my avatar... Yes I made everything myself, and No I did not use any existing pictures" ^_^


Quote from: LeXtruX on August 05, 2010, 03:37:37 AM
hmm ok, about the 1k lightyears across, that's what I meant.
about the quatum entanglement, I'll look it up^^

1K = .5 mile

100K = the diameter of the Milky Way galaxy.

Zeroes tend to be important, even though they're usually considered to be worthless.

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