
Homo homini monstrum - Victor Hugo, (The Hunchback of Notre-Dame)

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demon hunting

Started by AChunter95, July 02, 2010, 06:50:54 AM

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lol cool nice story X) hmm so the extra stuff to fight them aren't needed ?
Rejected and abandoned by all, as i walk fear is marked by the eyes of all...


Quote from: confused_mystery on September 15, 2010, 04:23:52 AM
lol cool nice story X) hmm so the extra stuff to fight them aren't needed ?

  Depends on the person.
In remembrance of Moonbaby, one of the brightest and most glorious stars to ever grace the Monstrous community.  Missed you will be, forgotten NEVER.


Quote from: boodle on September 12, 2010, 04:12:24 PM
Never a wiser word spoken. I really find it hard to square the image of a deity that would create a lifeform, bestow it with innate powers and then not have a problem with running to the aid of said lifeform whenever they have a spiritual crisis to deal with. I often wonder if priests and the like aren't just using their own abilities and telling themselves it is God doing it. I think everyone carry as much "God" around in themselves as they could ever need. Not saying I don't believe their is a higher power, I just think it's a bit rude to ask it to do your dirty work for you.

Must stop going off topic like this, sorry..  :focus:
Sorry, couldn't let it go--- The  people in Africa who were raised from death didn't do it by themselves, nor the healings of  many  people through out time. You can believe they are fiction if you want but I know several that aren't -been there , done that...
but :focus:


Quote from: boodle on September 12, 2010, 04:12:24 PM
Never a wiser word spoken. I really find it hard to square the image of a deity that would create a lifeform, bestow it with innate powers and then not have a problem with running to the aid of said lifeform whenever they have a spiritual crisis to deal with. I often wonder if priests and the like aren't just using their own abilities and telling themselves it is God doing it. I think everyone carry as much "God" around in themselves as they could ever need. Not saying I don't believe their is a higher power, I just think it's a bit rude to ask it to do your dirty work for you.

Must stop going off topic like this, sorry..  :focus:

muerte's statement would apply to this statement to...he doesn't do my dirty work, he helps clarify things, gives me a sense of peace and with the amount of skills, talents and fortunate meetings i have it's easier to think i'm pleasing my God rather than i'm just luckier than most people with skills to burn.

some have always had intricate and personal dealing with their gods; prophets, sages, spiritualists, the occasioanl soothsayer and other sorts, most seem to need priests, books or other human trappings to bring them closer.   i think where the biggest misconception comes from is people expect some instant miracle never considering the kindly lady that was there to offer comforting support or wisdom in a tight situation, the teary eyed godsmacked moment when it all becomes clear, the fortunate find of a twenty on the ground when you really need the money or the missed friend calling because they just thought of you, the examples can go on and on...

withcraft calls on forces to do your dirty work, with Abraham's god it's more of a talk, ask and wait for him to act and decide full of faith that he'll work through your own free will.

gods have always intervened in humanity's forming and there have always been people who experience it first hand, i'd never ask him to do something one would use witchcraft for like a mate, curse or other nonesense but if you have your heart connected to him then you will experience Him and he will speak and guide you. (uses him as a personal association) however i would like to ask why he seems to tend to other people more than others?


that's what led me to this path, wondering why some seem to be so intimate with the divine they feel him breathing on their neck, while others are so far removed it's detrimental to their harmony with the universe.  Abraham's god was the one who offered a little understanding why i'm so interesting to the divine, the rest just preyed upon it.
"The world that God made is inherently comprised of relationships, symmetries, analogia, anagogy, poetic wisdom. Thus is the language of symbolism."


which would mean their strengths or of their knowledge of what their dealing with ?
Rejected and abandoned by all, as i walk fear is marked by the eyes of all...


I will make this even more clear from what I am getting. For this task I shall employ an example: A man goes out hunting and prays to find a deer, he find said deer. The man then aims his weapon and prays for a clean kill. The man gets the clean kill and then cooks the meat. He then prays once more, thanking his diety for the food.
Now that sounds pretty normal but if you sit there and think about it, you will find some errors. (or let me do the thinking)

Anyway the man prayed for the deer, but used his skills to go to where a deer might be. He then used his markmanship to get a clean kill. He prayed for these things that he acquired himself. He then thanks his diety for the food. Even if god sent him the deer he still shot it and cooked it. There has to be a line between what god does and what man does. God is not going to hold our hands for every little activity. You do not raise your children to depend on you when they are in their thirties. You raise them to be self sufficent adults, why would god do anything different? God may of given this man the ability to get his own food but the man was still responsible for using the ability to get the food. He should thank god for the ability not the food itself (or both if you want to say god made the deer too) But just saying thank you for the food develops a sense of dependency and god has better things to do then hold this man's hand.

Bottom line: we must be self sufficient and draw the line between our own power and someone else's.

If my life is worthless then death must be my currency to spend.


Quote from: matthew321 on September 26, 2010, 09:10:00 AM
I will make this even more clear from what I am getting. For this task I shall employ an example: A man goes out hunting and prays to find a deer, he find said deer. The man then aims his weapon and prays for a clean kill. The man gets the clean kill and then cooks the meat. He then prays once more, thanking his diety for the food.
Now that sounds pretty normal but if you sit there and think about it, you will find some errors. (or let me do the thinking)

Anyway the man prayed for the deer, but used his skills to go to where a deer might be. He then used his markmanship to get a clean kill. He prayed for these things that he acquired himself. He then thanks his diety for the food. Even if god sent him the deer he still shot it and cooked it. There has to be a line between what god does and what man does. God is not going to hold our hands for every little activity. You do not raise your children to depend on you when they are in their thirties. You raise them to be self sufficent adults, why would god do anything different? God may of given this man the ability to get his own food but the man was still responsible for using the ability to get the food. He should thank god for the ability not the food itself (or both if you want to say god made the deer too) But just saying thank you for the food develops a sense of dependency and god has better things to do then hold this man's hand.

Bottom line: we must be self sufficient and draw the line between our own power and someone else's.

  Give a man a fish.......
In remembrance of Moonbaby, one of the brightest and most glorious stars to ever grace the Monstrous community.  Missed you will be, forgotten NEVER.


Quote from: matthew321 on September 26, 2010, 09:10:00 AM
I will make this even more clear from what I am getting. For this task I shall employ an example: A man goes out hunting and prays to find a deer, he find said deer. The man then aims his weapon and prays for a clean kill. The man gets the clean kill and then cooks the meat. He then prays once more, thanking his diety for the food.
Now that sounds pretty normal but if you sit there and think about it, you will find some errors. (or let me do the thinking)

Anyway the man prayed for the deer, but used his skills to go to where a deer might be. He then used his markmanship to get a clean kill. He prayed for these things that he acquired himself. He then thanks his diety for the food. Even if god sent him the deer he still shot it and cooked it. There has to be a line between what god does and what man does. God is not going to hold our hands for every little activity. You do not raise your children to depend on you when they are in their thirties. You raise them to be self sufficent adults, why would god do anything different? God may of given this man the ability to get his own food but the man was still responsible for using the ability to get the food. He should thank god for the ability not the food itself (or both if you want to say god made the deer too) But just saying thank you for the food develops a sense of dependency and god has better things to do then hold this man's hand.

Bottom line: we must be self sufficient and draw the line between our own power and someone else's.

ah nicely said  :-D and clarifies how much i think too much outside the box lol
Rejected and abandoned by all, as i walk fear is marked by the eyes of all...

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