
I'm not afraid of werewolves or vampires or haunted hotels, I'm afraid of what real human beings do to other real human beings. - Walter Jon Williams

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Started by Tronth, August 02, 2010, 02:29:26 PM

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I'm curious on everyones standpoint on foresight. Is it common, is it difficult to train.
A stormy night I found my true self. I was taught of my lineage. I am one of the last of the nine druids of Solomon. Responsibility lays heavy on my shoulders.


If it were common or easy then there could be no million dollar lotteries.


i think it'd be more psychic, less demonic.
"The world that God made is inherently comprised of relationships, symmetries, analogia, anagogy, poetic wisdom. Thus is the language of symbolism."


True to both statements but i just happened to be curios about it and the people in this forum know me better than the other forums figured you guys could help.
A stormy night I found my true self. I was taught of my lineage. I am one of the last of the nine druids of Solomon. Responsibility lays heavy on my shoulders.


Foresight is the ability to see things before they come. To predict the path or result of a certain situation

The regular kind depends on reading the signs that can be seen in the world. Be it a meteorologist predicting a storm, an actuator telling you that your house is ellegible for insurance, or even your teacher knowing that you're the kind of kid that's gonna  hit it big. That's a type forsight.
This type can be trained via experience and learning about patterns and even a bit of psycology.

The second type is a sort of 6th sense. To instinctivly know if something will or will not happen without any real understanding of the situation. A gut feel if you will.
This type can be trained by learning to listen to your inner voice, instinct , soul, whatever ya wanna call it. \

Both of these depend on your perceptual ability. Whether you notice specific signs, or feelings... reasoned prediction or gut feel. you still have to stop, look, and listen.
Quote from: Ladygriffin on August 03, 2010, 03:11:54 AM
Quote from: Tronth on August 03, 2010, 02:28:44 AM
True to both statements but i just happened to be curios about it and the people in this forum know me better than the other forums figured you guys could help.

This reasoning is somehow akin to asking your physician what fertilizer is best for your rose garden.  :?

My personal view: Most people have it, few heed it - and even fewer follows it.

Or you can just look for some bugs in your garden plan.

The closer you get to light, the greater your shadow becomes.
But don't be afraid. And don't forget...
You hold the mightiest weapon of all.
-Kingdom Hearts


Quote from: Ladygriffin on August 03, 2010, 03:11:54 AM
Quote from: Tronth on August 03, 2010, 02:28:44 AM
True to both statements but i just happened to be curios about it and the people in this forum know me better than the other forums figured you guys could help.

This reasoning is somehow akin to asking your physician what fertilizer is best for your rose garden.  :?

My personal view: Most people have it, few heed it - and even fewer follows it.
And demonology isnt just the study of demons. Its about black magic, demons, devils, elementals, ghosts,  Satanism and other things along this line. So this does kind of fall into this topic that is of course if we are talking magick foresight and not natural foresight.
A stormy night I found my true self. I was taught of my lineage. I am one of the last of the nine druids of Solomon. Responsibility lays heavy on my shoulders.


In my opinion foresight is not the ability to see the future. It is the ability to sense or feel the future. It is an inclination of a future event's existence before it comes into play for you or others. This is commonly experienced through a vision or gut feelings such as intuition.
Sight is a sense so is feeling. I don't like wording it in the manner that is seeing the future. I like sensing the future better.

If my life is worthless then death must be my currency to spend.


Quote from: Tronth on August 03, 2010, 12:23:18 PM

And demonology isnt just the study of demons. Its about black magic, demons, devils, elementals, ghosts,  Satanism and other things along this line. So this does kind of fall into this topic that is of course if we are talking magick foresight and not natural foresight.

eliminate elementals, ghosts and leveyan satanists and i can agree with you about demonology, unless you're associated with the roman church, then it's all demonic and absolute evil no matter it's intent.

if you are receiving any sort of "'forsight" through supernatural means you can never trust what you are seeing, they're notorious liars, famous cheats and horrible spellers and unless you really know yourself, who or what you're dealing with and are able to trust their guidance explicitly using your own inner breath of the divine, then it's no different than any other prophet, seer or's the source that counts at that point.
"The world that God made is inherently comprised of relationships, symmetries, analogia, anagogy, poetic wisdom. Thus is the language of symbolism."


I get it tons. I still dont really know what to do with it.

Here is the latest example.

About a week ago I was driving my car through the countryside to get to the shops. I was feeling pretty low and depressed as i had just lost a good friend of  13 years. I turned the music ontrying to overwrite my mood with some music. All in all i was pretty wrapped up in my own sense of misery and displacement as i drove along the road.
Half wrapped up in my own thoughts I a saw a car some distance into a field up ahead. It was facing the wrong way and looked pretty smashed up on one side. A figure was walking around it looking over the vehicle. I guessed that the car had left the road after an accident rolled a few times then came to rest. Thats what it looked like as i drove past. Normaly i would have stopped to check and see how recent it all was, past training habits and all that, but today  frankly i couldnt really give a damn. I was feeling pretty lousy about the world and didnt feel like stopping.
As i reached the brow of the hill and passed the vehicle i saw that the figure that had passed around the vehicle was not there.  There was no one there at all and no place they could have rationally dissapeared to. Strange i thought to myself, maybe i had seen the spirit of someone inside, maybe someone who had died. I have seen this sort of thing before after all. But heck no i was still not stopping, i was too upset about other stuff. and all this passed through my mind quickly as i drove past and promptly forgot about it still caught up in feeling crap and confused about the world.

20 minutes later i was driving home, the same road, just the other direction. The car was still there in the field tracks leading into the field and smashed glass everywhere. My mood was completely different now, almost at one with the world. Curious about what i had seen before i decided to stop this time and see if there was anyone in the car.
I pulled over, off the road, and walked 50 yards out into the field to where the broken vehicle was resting. I walked over to the drivers side, saw there was no-one in it, then walked around the front of the vehicle to the other side seeing if there was anything interesting left inside.
At this point i realised that my path around the car was exactly the same as what i had seen before as i drove past. I had a sudden realisation 'I had seen myself walking around the car'.

For those that question such things, well yes i understand such questions, all i can say is that there is a bodily knowing that sometimes comes concerning such things. My body knows what it saw. What to do with experiences like this still beats me though.


I'm sorry to hear about your friend man my sincerest condolances
A stormy night I found my true self. I was taught of my lineage. I am one of the last of the nine druids of Solomon. Responsibility lays heavy on my shoulders.


Quote from: Tronth on August 03, 2010, 12:23:18 PM
Quote from: Ladygriffin on August 03, 2010, 03:11:54 AM
Quote from: Tronth on August 03, 2010, 02:28:44 AM
True to both statements but i just happened to be curios about it and the people in this forum know me better than the other forums figured you guys could help.

This reasoning is somehow akin to asking your physician what fertilizer is best for your rose garden.  :?

My personal view: Most people have it, few heed it - and even fewer follows it.
And demonology isnt just the study of demons. Its about black magic, demons, devils, elementals, ghosts,  Satanism and other things along this line. So this does kind of fall into this topic that is of course if we are talking magick foresight and not natural foresight.

  You wanna rethink your definition on Demonolgy Tronth?  Here let me help you.

  I think you have done a better job of describing the Occult than you have of Demonology.  Here, the definition of occult.

  I have not yet decided whether or not to move this to the magic section or not.  I am in a slight rush at the moment.

  *Shaking head*  Imagine, confusing Demonology and the Occult.  *Still shaking head*
In remembrance of Moonbaby, one of the brightest and most glorious stars to ever grace the Monstrous community.  Missed you will be, forgotten NEVER.


no worryies ill just end it. ill think of another topic
A stormy night I found my true self. I was taught of my lineage. I am one of the last of the nine druids of Solomon. Responsibility lays heavy on my shoulders.

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