
The sleep of reason produces monsters (El Sueño de la Razon Produce Monstruos) - Francisco Goya

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The demon Azerial?

Started by -Etheria-, August 02, 2010, 07:35:47 PM

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Not Azazel. Azerial. Does this name sound familer to anyone?


a variation of azreal? he's not as cool as azazel though.
"The world that God made is inherently comprised of relationships, symmetries, analogia, anagogy, poetic wisdom. Thus is the language of symbolism."


You mean the angel of death? No...This is a demon I've been having visions about for a while, in a human form he has black hair and his eyes are black where they would normally be white, red in the iris, and the pupil is slit like a cat's. From what I've come to understand he goes by other names as well but I dont know them all, sometimes he comes to me in the form of a child and goes by viktor but the energy is the same...


they shift their form and attitude depending on your need and will send you on all sorts of wonderful goose chases looking for more...

what sort of behavior issues have you been experiencing, what sort of things are concerning you about it's presence?  most are assigned or prefer certain aspects of human instincts to exploit;  sexuality, greed, anger, violence etc...and usually what ever weakness you have they will encourage you to develop,  that'll help you narrow down your search; they love leaving you riddles. i first met azazel as a pretty red haired guardian named azaza full of feminine power wisdom...that's how they work.  After a bit another will show up filling another need you're lacking in your life, on and's hard to escape at some point.

go to google and type in the spelling, follow links that intrigue you, deliriums realm i one of my favorite demonology research sites but don't trust it and don't think you need it at all.
"The world that God made is inherently comprised of relationships, symmetries, analogia, anagogy, poetic wisdom. Thus is the language of symbolism."


Azerial wasn't a demon. He was one of the angels that fell with Lucifer. That's all I know about him.
Fools rush in where angels fear to tread. Alexander Pope.


Quote from: jordyn on August 04, 2010, 11:26:01 AM
they shift their form and attitude depending on your need and will send you on all sorts of wonderful goose chases looking for more...

what sort of behavior issues have you been experiencing, what sort of things are concerning you about it's presence?  most are assigned or prefer certain aspects of human instincts to exploit;  sexuality, greed, anger, violence etc...and usually what ever weakness you have they will encourage you to develop,  that'll help you narrow down your search; they love leaving you riddles. i first met azazel as a pretty red haired guardian named azaza full of feminine power wisdom...that's how they work.  After a bit another will show up filling another need you're lacking in your life, on and's hard to escape at some point.

go to google and type in the spelling, follow links that intrigue you, deliriums realm i one of my favorite demonology research sites but don't trust it and don't think you need it at all.

Well, I have visions of other demons that are tied to him in someway, such as one I've always simply referred to as bob (cheesy name, I know..) But I saw "bob" since I was a kid. I would seem him outside of my window. He is greyish in color with long powerful limbs and long claws, humanoid in shape, with needle like teeth and no bottom jaw. Which allows his long grotesque tongue to whip around below his head. I alway got the feeling he was sent by azerial. He never hurt me, hut scared the crap out of me and watched. Azerial just seems interested in and me and there has been talk about a taint on my soul. Any idea what this could mean?


Ok, look folks; this stuff with demons really needs to stop – especially with you kids. Do a little bit of research before you post your nonsense for christ's sake! The only thing you accomplish with threads like most of what I've been seeing recently is making yourselves look like a bunch of ridiculous Twilight role players... If you have a serious issue that you believe with all your heart is demonic in origins or nature, it needs to be in the "Mayday! Mayday!" board, not here. This board is for serious topical discussion and research, and so far since my return, I've seen precious little of that.

The links I'm including below deal with both the modern usage of the word 'demon', and its historical origin as the word 'daemon' ['daemonos']. The concept of demons has been around pretty much since the dawn of mankind and was used to explain negative occurrences and how some people seemed to never have anything good happen to them while others seemed to have nothing but good things happen to them.

Christianity, e. g. the Roman Catholic Church, which is infamous for absorbing aspects of new population's religions in order to convert them, encountered the concept early on and made it its own. When it spread to Greece, it absorbed the word too, and eventually the spelling was anglicized to "Demon". This is why in Western cultures the word 'demon' has such a negative connotation.

But, if you go to the Far East, demons are not necessarily the malevolent source of evil they are in Western cultures. In Japan, for example, a demon is simply a natural spirit, akin to an elemental or sprite. They are called "Oni" and an article about them can be found at the third link.

Now, we go to the Near East; called the Middle East in these days. The nearest thing to demons they have are a group of beings collectively called "Djinni", also known as "Genies" for you Disney rejects. Here is where demons were to acquire the early fantastic forms, though they remained more or less humanoid in description. When the Roman Catholic church got a hold of the idea though, they went hog wild and painted demons with a brush dipped in LSD. They wanted converts, and what better tool to force people to your view point than fear. They proselytized their hearts out, telling people that these beings were Satan's own army, and that they were both responsible for every ill that befell you, and would be responsible for torturing your immortal soul if you didn't leave behind the ways they themselves considered evil and join them in worship of a more or less new spin on an already old concept.

You see folks modern Western and Middle Eastern religion, in all of its forms, is nothing new really. Most of the stuff attributed to demons and Satan has, rightly so, been correctly attributed to poor decisions, disease, and plots by those in power.

Bottom line; whether they exist or not, whether you believe in them or not – do your research and know what the Hell you are talking about before you open your mouth and show us how stupid and gauche you are!

For fark's sake people, educate yourselves!


Quote from: -Etheria- on August 06, 2010, 12:23:58 PM
Quote from: jordyn on August 04, 2010, 11:26:01 AM
they shift their form and attitude depending on your need and will send you on all sorts of wonderful goose chases looking for more...

what sort of behavior issues have you been experiencing, what sort of things are concerning you about it's presence?  most are assigned or prefer certain aspects of human instincts to exploit;  sexuality, greed, anger, violence etc...and usually what ever weakness you have they will encourage you to develop,  that'll help you narrow down your search; they love leaving you riddles. i first met azazel as a pretty red haired guardian named azaza full of feminine power wisdom...that's how they work.  After a bit another will show up filling another need you're lacking in your life, on and's hard to escape at some point.

go to google and type in the spelling, follow links that intrigue you, deliriums realm i one of my favorite demonology research sites but don't trust it and don't think you need it at all.

Well, I have visions of other demons that are tied to him in someway, such as one I've always simply referred to as bob (cheesy name, I know..) But I saw "bob" since I was a kid. I would seem him outside of my window. He is greyish in color with long powerful limbs and long claws, humanoid in shape, with needle like teeth and no bottom jaw. Which allows his long grotesque tongue to whip around below his head. I alway got the feeling he was sent by azerial. He never hurt me, hut scared the crap out of me and watched. Azerial just seems interested in and me and there has been talk about a taint on my soul. Any idea what this could mean?

i grew up with a fred and a george...*shrugs* they were my dad's, protected us by proxy and george was rather fond of playing games.  He had awesome skulls that represented them, he was into that stuff...deep.

taint on the soul?

like some long last ancestor promised your soul to some high ranking demon and it's time for him to collect?

if you call they will come, whether you realized you called or not.  they love to make you feel special and gifted, but of course it's only something to do with you...he's your demon you have to figure out what power you will allow him to have over you, i'd suggest you just send it on it's way though, they're trickier than a fox.
"The world that God made is inherently comprised of relationships, symmetries, analogia, anagogy, poetic wisdom. Thus is the language of symbolism."

Lord Pisces luffy

Quote from: jordyn on August 06, 2010, 08:11:53 PM

if you call they will come, whether you realized you called or not.  they love to make you feel special and gifted, but of course it's only something to do with you...he's your demon you have to figure out what power you will allow him to have over you, i'd suggest you just send it on it's way though, they're trickier than a fox.

Or embrace it.

And enjoy the ride.
All light sources cannot last forever the way darkness can.


Quote from: Moloch on August 06, 2010, 06:00:40 PM
Ok, look folks; this stuff with demons really needs to stop – especially with you kids. Do a little bit of research before you post your nonsense for christ’s sake! The only thing you accomplish with threads like most of what I’ve been seeing recently is making yourselves look like a bunch of ridiculous Twilight role players… If you have a serious issue that you believe with all your heart is demonic in origins or nature, it needs to be in the “Mayday! Mayday!” board, not here. This board is for serious topical discussion and research, and so far since my return, I’ve seen precious little of that.

The links I’m including below deal with both the modern usage of the word ‘demon’, and its historical origin as the word ‘daemon’ [‘daemonos’]. The concept of demons has been around pretty much since the dawn of mankind and was used to explain negative occurrences and how some people seemed to never have anything good happen to them while others seemed to have nothing but good things happen to them.

Christianity, e. g. the Roman Catholic Church, which is infamous for absorbing aspects of new population's religions in order to convert them, encountered the concept early on and made it its own. When it spread to Greece, it absorbed the word too, and eventually the spelling was anglicized to “Demon”. This is why in Western cultures the word ‘demon’ has such a negative connotation.

But, if you go to the Far East, demons are not necessarily the malevolent source of evil they are in Western cultures. In Japan, for example, a demon is simply a natural spirit, akin to an elemental or sprite. They are called “Oni” and an article about them can be found at the third link.

Now, we go to the Near East; called the Middle East in these days. The nearest thing to demons they have are a group of beings collectively called “Djinni”, also known as “Genies” for you Disney rejects. Here is where demons were to acquire the early fantastic forms, though they remained more or less humanoid in description. When the Roman Catholic church got a hold of the idea though, they went hog wild and painted demons with a brush dipped in LSD. They wanted converts, and what better tool to force people to your view point than fear. They proselytized their hearts out, telling people that these beings were Satan’s own army, and that they were both responsible for every ill that befell you, and would be responsible for torturing your immortal soul if you didn’t leave behind the ways they themselves considered evil and join them in worship of a more or less new spin on an already old concept.

You see folks modern Western and Middle Eastern religion, in all of its forms, is nothing new really. Most of the stuff attributed to demons and Satan has, rightly so, been correctly attributed to poor decisions, disease, and plots by those in power.

Bottom line; whether they exist or not, whether you believe in them or not – do your research and know what the Hell you are talking about before you open your mouth and show us how stupid and gauche you are!

For fark’s sake people, educate yourselves!

I'm sorry, I dont exactly understand what your problem is here. I was looking for information to see if anyone else had ever heard of him. I have done my research. I was not pleading for assistance in anyway. And I'm not sure what a rubbish book like twilight has anything to do with any of this. I only posted here because I thought it fit here, since I was not seeking help, only information.


Well whatever this is he/she sounds interested in you, stay on your toes and don't strike a deal. Oh and when I googled it, it came up with mystics and all sorts so its going to be a minute before I can tell you more... sorry.
New Signature


Quote from: Moloch on August 06, 2010, 06:00:40 PM
Ok, look folks; this stuff with demons really needs to stop – especially with you kids. Do a little bit of research before you post your nonsense for christ's sake! The only thing you accomplish with threads like most of what I've been seeing recently is making yourselves look like a bunch of ridiculous Twilight role players... If you have a serious issue that you believe with all your heart is demonic in origins or nature, it needs to be in the "Mayday! Mayday!" board, not here. This board is for serious topical discussion and research, and so far since my return, I've seen precious little of that....(etc)

I shortened the quote because I didn't see a need to post that quote twice.

From what I can read, they are only using the word 'Demon' to title negativity that they feel. Sure, they aren't using it right, but if everyone went around to make up some flottop word for it, then it wouldn't make sense. That is the easiest.

Also, as Etheria said, she was looking information on the guy, not for help so it kind of fits in this section more than the other.

Back to information on Azerial. I believe I already told you what I knew before and I've discovered nothing new. I have encountered his energy before and it was dark. It made me sick to my stomach and I couldn't hold food down very well... so I personally am leaning towards a darker 'demonic' like entity (for lack of better wording) for sure.

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