
The artist must bow to the monster of his own imagination. - Richard Wright

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The Sixth and Seventh Book Of Moses

Started by Belking, August 06, 2010, 11:55:55 AM

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Hello, i have developed a certain amount of interest with this particular book, can anyone recommend me any international book store, or a safe online bookstore with a good price that has this book?


Hmm thank you, i will take a look at it, altough i hate reading long stuff on the computer, its just that im looking for a good grimoire to start working on the art, if you have any other sugestions feel free to give them to me, im all ears :-D


Hmm, will do, thanks for the advice :D
Has for the black magic, i know what it can do, and i will stay away from it.
Do you know if the wiccan "Book of shadows" contains black magic?
And yeah, i believe in god so i was looking for some grimoires that had some base on religions like  judaism, christianism and muslim.

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