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Book of Noah?

Started by SKGS, August 10, 2010, 05:34:57 PM

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In the Book of Jubilee chapter 10:10-14 there is a reference to a book that Noah gave to his son Shem.
I have tried to look for this particular book, what happened to it, is it mentioned any place else?
Does anybody have any info on this?
Knowledge is power.


Dont quote me on this but i believe the book was a geneology. im not sure you where would find it though
A stormy night I found my true self. I was taught of my lineage. I am one of the last of the nine druids of Solomon. Responsibility lays heavy on my shoulders.


A stormy night I found my true self. I was taught of my lineage. I am one of the last of the nine druids of Solomon. Responsibility lays heavy on my shoulders.


In remembrance of Moonbaby, one of the brightest and most glorious stars to ever grace the Monstrous community.  Missed you will be, forgotten NEVER.


Quote from: Muerte on August 11, 2010, 05:19:29 PM

  That was easy.

Thanks! I had to laugh when I read your reply. Sometimes the most obvious escapes me :doh:
Knowledge is power.


Read it.
It seems that the book that was given to Shem by Noah about the remedies for evil spirits is lost forever, if it really existed.
Knowledge is power.


Quote from: SKGS on August 14, 2010, 06:10:09 PM
Read it.
It seems that the book that was given to Shem by Noah about the remedies for evil spirits is lost forever, if it really existed.

  If it existed it will only be lost until found by the proper hands.
In remembrance of Moonbaby, one of the brightest and most glorious stars to ever grace the Monstrous community.  Missed you will be, forgotten NEVER.


Maybe the evil spirits (demons) don't want it found. It would do them no good.
Just a thought.

I will dig around a little more, maybe something will pop up.
Knowledge is power.


I doubt theyd have much to worry about, not many would know how to use the knowledge from said book. However, I do think it a good idea to search. One can never be too sure.
"Intelligence is the flower of discrimination. There are many examples of the flower blooming but not bearing fruit."

"True warriors are humble men"

rave phillaphia

ah the book of Raziel. It is also been said to actually be the 'Stone of All Knowledge" which it is traditionally suppose to have a similar color to sapphire.

that is according to Kabbalah Judaism. But in traditional Rabbinic Judaism they talk about the legend as well in the Midrashic texts.

There is an old forum somewhere on Monstrous that we discussed this in depth. Hope these links help.



Thanks :-)

These links will keep me busy for a while and probably sidetracking me.
Knowledge is power.


The Book of Noah and the Book of Raziel seem to be two different books.
The Book of Noah was given to Noah after the flood for protection against the evil spirits that bothered his sons.
The Book of Raziel seems to be a lot older. It was given to him by Raziel before the flood to protect him.
Knowledge is power.

rave phillaphia

eh sort of... traditionally Judaism links both of the books as the same one because in the Book of Raziel there are protection rites in it. The only book that is traditionally classified as a book given afterwards is the Book of Enoch, which Enoch's portion was given before and then Noah's portion added afterwards. But these stories did arise from the Greco period, but the Book of Raziel can be linked to the story of the forbidden name which also can be linked to in the Sumerian and Babylonian traditions as the (which translations don't still know how to translate the word described here) as a book or name that has all power. 

Some link the tablets of destiny to the book of Raziel, but some also link this tablet story to be the origin of the 10 commandments on tablets Moses story. But they also link the law code of Hummurabi to connect more with the tablets of Moses instead of the tablets of destiny.

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