MonsterVision > Classic Horror

Nosferatu (silent, 1922)

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Evil Kadaver:
Anyone ever see this great vampire film? It's one of my all time favorites, and it is scary, with the silent oldness of the movie. Max Schreck is great as Count Orlok.

I Monster:
I have seen this classic a number of times,but the best was last year at a large venue in England,it was the restored version and had organ accompaniment,on the big screen as it is meant to be seen!Max Von Schreck is the ultimate Vampire,see 'Shadow Of The Vampire' also if you havn't seen it,it tells the story in a unique way of the making of Nosferatu.I also saw 'Phantom Of The Opera' at this venue the previous year,excellent! :D

I saw that for a German class, except that all of the text segments were in English, which seemed to defeat the purpose.  A fine example of film from that period.

I thought it was great, and the make-up was suprisingly well done.

There is also a great soundtrack you may find on P2P from a band called "Art Zoyd" :idea:


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