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nagassss ssssso interesssting


soul blighter:
nagas our half human-hlaf snake freinds who have struck from as south as southern china all the way to the northern east of russia now does anyone have any form of info (and please don't share the info with the bite me magazine as it seems they have been to the wrong country for it)

The Nagas are creatures in Hindu mythology  that inhabit the underworld Patalas. They were the spawn of the sage Kayspa and Kadru,daughter of Daksha. Although armed with deadly venom,the Nagas are usually friendly to men,unless mistreated. In fact due to their controll of rain,they are often called upon in times of drought. Hope you found this useful.

soul blighter:
that is very good facts see i mnainly stuck with eastern china and all the way upto russia going from a pagan religion to buhdism

Hello, folks!

Living in the watery region under the earth called Patala, nagas are serpentine creatures from Hindu mythology. The are semi-divine and number one thousand. They have human faces and serpent's tails, and reign in great splendor and guard treasures. There are four classes of naga: heavenly, divine, earthly and hidden depending on their function in guarding the heavenly palace, giving rainfall, draining rivers, or guarding treasures. It is said that nagas have the ability to make men invisible underwater. It is also said that nagas will give ones they favour soma. a drink that will grant the drinker great strength. The King of the nagas, Ananta-Shesha is said to have either seven or 1000 heads. It is said that nagas will destroy the world with fire eventually.

In Burma, nagas are part serpent, dragon, and part crocodile. They give rubies to those that they favour and they protect many royal people in Burmese mythology. Burmese Nagas sometimes have feathers.

from Gareth Longs.


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