Monstrous Books > New Publications & Authors

The Last Jewish Virgin: A Tale of Fate


Hello everyone. I will be submitting reviews to a lot of books, I signed up to be a review for this site. So please forgive me if you don't like my thoughts. So please enjoy my review of The Last Jewish Virgin: A Tale of Fate

A very connective book. To give in to our sexual urges or to keep our virginity. I felt a deep connection with Lilith, her rebellious ways and to keep her self a pure woman. I would recommend this to a mature 16 year old and older reading group. Their are hints of sexual acts, but nothing descriptive. What I liked about the book is the accuracy of the information on Judaism and vampire lore.
Having said what I think of this book, I give it a 3 out of 4. Loving the emotional struggle that every youth goes through, but minus a destined vampire romance.

Would it be in bad taste to review your review?

It's fine, I already had a author yell at me for my review.


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