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New love drug

Started by oldbill4823, January 08, 2009, 04:14:41 AM

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By Richard Alleyne, Science Correspondent 08 Jan 2009 THE TELEGRAPH UK.

Love spray being developed by scientists

Love really could be a drug, say scientists, who believe that one day the feelings may be induced by popping a pill or smelling perfume.

It may not be the most romantic gesture but scientists are developing drugs that can boost that most human of emotions.

They are studying the brain chemistry responsible for the complex feelings that draw us to a particular member of the opposite sex and help keep us monogamous.

Animal testing is beginning to shed light on the complex neural and genetic components of love in the same way they have led to pharmaceutical therapies for anxiety, phobias and post-traumatic stress disorders.

The behavioural scientist Professor Larry Young, of Emory University, Georgia, writing in the journal Nature, said: "For one thing, drugs that manipulate brain systems at whim to enhance or diminish our love for another may not be far away."

Experiments have already shown a nasal squirt of the hormone oxytocin enhances trust and tunes people into others' emotions.

Websites are marketing products such as Enhanced Liquid Trust, a cologne-like mixture of oxytocin and chemical scents called pheromones "designed to boost the dating and relationship area of your life".

Prof Young said: "Although such products are unlikely to do anything other than boost users' confidence, studies are under way in Australia to determine whether an oxytocin spray might aid traditional marital therapy."

Prof Young said: "The hormone interacts with the reward and reinforcement system driven by the neuro-transmitter dopamine – the same circuitry that drugs such as nicotine, cocaine and heroine act on in humans to produce euphoria and addiction.

"Dopamine-related reward regions of the human brain are active in mothers viewing images of their child. Similar activation patterns are seen in people looking at photographs of their lovers."


That is all very interesting, but how can one explain people falling in love that never smelled each other?


no idea.
Maybe they really smell. Like really really  smell and it just wafts your way on the breeze.


Haha, could be OB, could be!  *<:)


So the best way to beat/avoid a chemically/pheromone induced crush is to get a cold??????!!!!!!!!!!!

Thats almost as revolutionary as making an artificial anus!
The closer you get to light, the greater your shadow becomes.
But don't be afraid. And don't forget...
You hold the mightiest weapon of all.
-Kingdom Hearts


realm is one of a few perfumes using pheromones
currently on the market.

and I must say
the fact that humans in the evolutionary process
lost varying degrees of their sense of smell
(keeping people from being controlled
by the sex/violence reactions to pheromones) was
a good thing, by and large.

but on a bridigid level...
evolution backfired in that aspect in me.
I go around the bend smelling realm
much to others amusement.


science can be "evil"
as well as informative and helpful.



Quote from: oldbill4823 on January 08, 2009, 04:14:41 AM
Prof Young said: "Although such products are unlikely to do anything other than boost users' confidence, studies are under way in Australia to determine whether an oxytocin spray might aid traditional marital therapy.

Do you guys think this could help the marriage stay together??? No divorce anymore???
All That Is Now, All That Is Gone & All That's To Come!!!


yes it could, but it would destroy the concept of a "partnership" which modern relationships have.

In someway it could be regressing back to the olden days, cept instead of being slaves under threat of bodily harm, death, and other rather painful and unpleasant things, this would be seduction. forced love.
Seduction and by extension infatuation, while a fun party gag, only lasts as long as the party. People would eventually realize that they are being manipulated which most often leads to repercussions such as divorce, this is most often seen in young couples these days.

Forcing a relationship to stay together, More often than not would no doubt stunt the emotional,mental and even sexual growth of the persons involved. It takes more than love to make a relationship work these days. In fact by forcing a relationship that doesn't work to keep on going, the people in it might end up........... criminally insane.

We need these trial by fires to build us into better people, they make us more independent, aggressive, mature, and focused. Its not that people these days lack commitment, its just that everything moves so very fast, even relationships. Early marriages are quite a problem these days.

But back to topic.
Quote from: Rainbow on January 08, 2009, 08:27:39 AM
Quote from: oldbill4823 on January 08, 2009, 04:14:41 AM
Prof Young said: "Although such products are unlikely to do anything other than boost users' confidence, studies are under way in Australia to determine whether an oxytocin spray might aid traditional marital therapy.

Do you guys think this could help the marriage stay together??? No divorce anymore???

If a person is made to "love" another, it would probably conflict with his/her principles and hence there would be a bend or break phenomenon with in his psyche.

............ although a confidence spray would help some guys and gals with thier self esteem issues, meaning some marriages would be saved by this.
but as with anything this stuff could eventually go nicotine on us.

No not the lung cancer stuff, but rather the reduced ability to produce/express endorphins. People might have to take more and more of the pheromone/chemical to reach that "insert feeling here" high.

The closer you get to light, the greater your shadow becomes.
But don't be afraid. And don't forget...
You hold the mightiest weapon of all.
-Kingdom Hearts


I personally think it's something that we shouldn't tamper with. It's a bad idea, trust me.


It feels as if scientists wanted to end the magic of the world. First they don't want to accept that paranormal beings (as they say it). And now they want to search for scientific way that for the people to fall/stay in love. The only magic in which everyone believes. If they do itsomething wrong will happen, I can smell it.
All That Is Now, All That Is Gone & All That's To Come!!!


Quote from: Rainbow on January 08, 2009, 09:12:45 AM
It feels as if scientists wanted to end the magic of the world. First they don't want to accept that paranormal beings (as they say it). And now they want to search for scientific way that for the people to fall/stay in love. The only magic in which everyone believes. If they do itsomething wrong will happen, I can smell it.

Here here, girl, I couldnt have said it better!

Quote from: Raziel on January 08, 2009, 05:22:03 AM
So the best way to beat/avoid a chemically/pheromone induced crush is to get a cold??????!!!!!!!!!!!

Thats almost as revolutionary as making an artificial anus!

Oh, Raz, your reasoning is always like a breeze of fresh air!

Mr. Kreepy

You all sound like the same sort of people that freak out any time a new technology is created. That's nonsense.

Personally, I would love to be able to take a medication that prevented me from feeling love. Emotions are such an enormous waste of time, and love especially. It leads to people doing stupid things and doesn't really accomplish much but continue the human species, which is a bogus cause anyway.
Anyone here who's saying that it would take the "magic" out of love is a naive fool. There is no "magic" in love. It's just an electrical and chemical reaction in the brain that causes feelings of attachment to help solidify a bond to better help the production and rearing of a child. Nothing more.
Besides, think of all the wonderful things people could accomplish without feelings of love, or lust, or anything like that...
There would be so much time to do things without the need for romantic or sexual companionship. People could actually accomplish something, rather than simply give in to their perpetuation instinct. It would be magnificent!


I love being in Love!

Makes me filled with warmth and tranquility when I know that that someone special loves me back too.

Love can be a bytch, sometimes, that is also true. But that is cool! I Love Pain! Pain is a feeling very close to Extacy. I Love Extacy!

There is no better Orgasm without Extacy of Love. That is one of many things that make me human.

I Love being Human.

I Love my Child. There is no greater Love than Love for your own Child. The bare knowing of how its like to have Life grow underneath your own Heart, its Heart beating with same rhythm.

I Love Life.

The movement of things, each individual, yet always One.

I Love my Dog.

There is something really special in those eyes that trust you unconditionally.

There is no Spray nor Drug that can substitute my Love....

Mr. Kreepy

Quote from: Nina on January 08, 2009, 01:32:42 PM
There is no Spray nor Drug that can substitute my Love....

Nina, you've made it no secret you take drugs, so let me ask you this...
When you're high, do you ever feel calm, or happy? Yeah, I'm pretty sure you do. You know why that is? That substance is effecting the way the chemicals in your brain work.
A medication to remove or replace love could do the exact same thing.

Don't get me wrong, I think love is a wonderful feeling and I'm happily in love with the woman of my dreams, but I don't put the emotion on some kind of pedestal like you lot seem to. Honestly, It's really quite sad to see an adult talk about love like a little girl with a crush. Just sad.


Quote from: Mr. Kreepy on January 08, 2009, 01:45:54 PM
Quote from: Nina on January 08, 2009, 01:32:42 PM
There is no Spray nor Drug that can substitute my Love....

Nina, you've made it no secret you take drugs, so let me ask you this...
When you're high, do you ever feel calm, or happy? Yeah, I'm pretty sure you do. You know why that is? That substance is effecting the way the chemicals in your brain work.
A medication to remove or replace love could do the exact same thing.

Don't get me wrong, I think love is a wonderful feeling and I'm happily in love with the woman of my dreams, but I don't put the emotion on some kind of pedestal like you lot seem to. Honestly, It's really quite sad to see an adult talk about love like a little girl with a crush. Just sad.

Everybody knows I took drugs, ok? I still lLoooove to ligh good old Mary!

Its no news.

I know how drugs work. I read books. Nonfiction.

Yes, sometimes drugs can give you something similar, but thats just it, a freakin drug.

I may be too bloody romantic and blahblablah but I admit it.

Dont you think that in the end all that counts is what one has chosen to be happy with?
(cause we do choose, after all)

I can see your point, but I had also given mine.

Thank you.

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