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Captain America has left the building...

Started by prezhorusin04, March 17, 2007, 01:33:40 PM

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Death to (Captain) America!
Garth Paulson
March 15, 2007

Last Wednesday an icon fell. Awaiting an arraignment for leading a resistance force against the government's Superhero Registration Act, Captain America was shot in the pages of his eponymous comic book. He was pronounced dead on arrival at a nearby hospital. Then the media went a bit nuts.

Major newspapers and television networks began paying attention to comic books. Op/ed pieces appeared all over the Internet. Captain America's death even made its way onto The Colbert Report. Along with an endless string of glorified press releases­--complete with quotes from weepy 45-year-old geeks--a considerable amount of writing emerged contemplating just what it means for the U.S. when a man who runs around in a flag-coloured fetish suit calling himself Captain America gets shot in the back while his hands are bound.

Obviously there's some serious symbolism at play, but no one seems able to figure out exactly what it is. In a recent Los Angeles Times editorial, Jacob Heilbrunn posits Captain America's death signals the failure of the War on Terror and the death of the American dream. In his Huffington Post blog, Ari Emanuel takes things a step further, placing the Bush administration's policies behind the killing. Some conservatives are also claiming Captain America's death represents the degradation of American society due to liberalism. Conservative columnist Michael John McCrae summed up the conservative response most ineloquently.

"In a nation that has been hijacked by liberalism and is being slowly destroyed by democrat-ick [sic] socialism, it is probably importantly symbolic that with the destruction of the Christian Bible and the traditional holidays recognizing the blessings of God; with the elimination of a Constitution that requires strict interpretation and constructionist action to actually work the way the Founders intended; with the spreading of the liberal religions of Darwinism and Global Warming-ism [sic] and with the spreading of immorality through the acceptance of atheism and the homosexual agenda, that Captain America be struck down from a hidden threat on the steps of a court house," he semi-lucidly wrote on The Conservative Voice's website.

Though the intentions of these displays of finger-pointing, name-calling and generally insane ramblings may be noble, they miss the point. People can't figure out what political allegory Marvel was trying to make by killing Captain America simply because they don't know what America is right now, much less what the death of one of its symbols means. The divisiveness and debate his death has produced only illustrates how the U.S. is in the midst of an identity crisis.

Captain America has always been used by Marvel to represent the general consensus in U.S. politics. When created in 1941, he was the ultimate anti-Nazi force. By the time the '70s rolled around, Cap had his hands full exposing Richard Nixon as a corrupt, incompetent ruler. During the Reagan administration in the '80s Captain America joined the majority of his jingoistic countrymen in unabashed nationalism and celebrations of neoconservatism. Today, while Americans decide whether they want to be security-obsessed Christian nationalists or the world's cool big brother, Captain America has no consensus to represent.

When Americans can't even agree on the principles their nation is supposed to uphold, killing off a symbol like Captain America makes perfect sense. Though people might not know what Captain America is supposed to be, they do know that seeing him bleeding to death on courthouse steps means something is a little messed up with their country. Failure to reach an agreement on what it is only adds to the uneasy feeling. Hence the media's reaction.

Ultimately, Captain America's death takes place in the pages of a superhero comic and has fittingly been set up as means to create more opportunities for some serious punching and kicking. This said, Marvel has proven incredibly intelligent in their use of Captain America as a representation of American politics this time around. Instead of the conflicted and confused American, Captain America stayed strong in his convictions and ended up dying because of them. Here it wasn't the character that represented the American political reality, but the media frenzy surrounding his death. The death of Captain America has left U.S. citizens--or the comic book-reading population, at least--with some serious questions to answer. Namely, who they are and what that means.

Captain America's death in doubt,1249,660203500,00.html


I will give feeling about it in a few short words

It is just not right   :gun:
What do you want, you moon-faced assassin of joy?

We walk in the dark places no others will enter. We stand on the bridge and no-one may pass. We live for the One, we die for the One

Zak Roy Yoballa

Intersting article, I have a friend that is a HUGE Capt America fan.  I should call him up and see what he thinks.  Nice post prez.  Personally I think America has been going down hill for a while and now is as timely as any to see Capt bite the big one.     But it is a comic so somehow, someway he'll be back.

Your attitude is the only thing they can't take from you.


Yes Zak, there are still "alternate reality" versions of Captain America going around, though he might really be "dead" this time for good.. They also killed him in an Alternate (future) Reality version of a comic called "Last Hero Standing" a couple of years ago, and then Thor takes his body, shoots it into space, and makes a star out of Captain America..

I'd like to make a note that in Cap's most recent death, he was standing against the "Super Power Registration Act" which would make it mandatory for any American who had special powers to turn themselves into the government to be tagged, and to be FORCED to work for government agencies.. Cap's death was the outcome of the year long "CIVIL WAR" plotline that had been running through all the Marvel titles...

Many have drawn a parallel to the Patriot Acts, The Real ID act, and RFID.. Cap was standing for human rights, the people turned on him (in the comic, calling him a traitor), and after turning himself in to authorities, he was gunned down, his hands chained behind his back, on the courtroom steps... :gun:

Zak Roy Yoballa

When I was younger (late teens early twenties) I used to be completely against the 'militia' mentality.  Now that I am older and not quite the optimist, I see the value of some of their ways.  I wonder if Capt will come back and lead a revolt against the injustice system?  Interesting bit of propoganda power there I think. 

Your attitude is the only thing they can't take from you.


i heard they wanted to make the punisher into the new capt america
"You can't ever win if you're always on the defensive, to win, you have to attack." - Light Yagami (Deathnote)


  How can you make the Punisher into Capt. America? HELLO! He's already the PUNISHER!! He has soemthing to do! You know, punish people and stuff.
...The monster in the cage
       Is coming for you...

Zak Roy Yoballa

I'm not sure if the punisher has what it takes to fill the essence of Capt America.  He's a little too selfish, which is what makes his character cool! :wink:
Your attitude is the only thing they can't take from you.


.... OK... dumb question... is the Superhero Registration Act real??  :? I really don't understand comics... I'd say that it's silly to care because they're just comics.... but I'd cry if someone said "they're just shoes" so I understand the passion people have with them even if I don't share it.  :lol: I'll shut up now!  *<:)

...The monster in the cage
       Is coming for you...


Well, yes, it is a comic, and it is imaginary.  But at the same time, consider this idea from South Park (yes, southpark.  It's a very deep satire, and can be referenced)
Imaginary things, in a way, are real, in that they affect us in some way.  Think of Superman, or Spiderman. they aren't real, but they affect our lives in a deep way.  Who doesn't look up to some Superhero or another at some time?  Think about Jesus, he is (somewhat) imaginary in a way (though some might disagree), but he has been one of the most influential people in existence.  Think of religion: religion is imaginary, yet almost everyone has one (including atheists, that is also a religion).  Imaginary things affect real life, be it Satire, Fantasy, Super-heroes, Religion, you name it!  Thus: Imaginary things are real.
"Even a dead fish can go with the flow" not to mention an UNdead one, but that's not the point... >!>;;
I am a Were-Raccoon/Dragon, that makes me feel sexy.


The one form the ultimates universe isn't dead yet.

plus they cant kill cap without a plan to bring him back.(or at least capture his fan base in another way.)

It would be stupid & illogical.
The closer you get to light, the greater your shadow becomes.
But don't be afraid. And don't forget...
You hold the mightiest weapon of all.
-Kingdom Hearts


*upcoming conspiracy/ paranoia warning  :wink: *This is merely a symbolic representation of the beginning of the end for this pathetic country. Already as some have pointed out -the patriot act/ the Real ID, and others that were mentioned are just some of the few. Already they are pushing for a remote override to be installed on all new cars where the government can shut your vehicle down with a touch of a button. Our freedoms that this country were so harshly fought for are being slowly and subtly stripped away and we are willingly giving them up for what the government tells us we need: security. It is a false sense of it too that we face because if we give up all our personal freedoms and defenses who is going to protect us from the government? Who will protect us from ourselves? We will be royally screwed and I'm just gonna die by laughter and screaming I farking told you so!!!!
Nothing brings you closer to reality
Than the taste
Of rejection


some1 spoofed x-men and in this one it shows how captain america died

what hes done really is make up his own story line and changes it a bit, its funny :P. depressing a bit when the cap dies though  :cry:
"I see" said the Blind Man to the Deaf Bishop


I'm still surprised that they haven't brought him back yet.  Apparently they're still having fun with Bucky as Captain America.


Sigh, I don't have enough money for comic books, and as they are written in english there isn't any websites out their letting you read them online illegally, they had X-Men comics in my local grocery store which I read without buying for awhile but they stopped stocking them. . .

Anyways there's no way such a useful propraganda tool will stay down, heh, maybe the next cap'n will be black ^^

You know I'm in the mood to do a superhero style rp. . .
I have multiple personalities, one is a were-Sheepenguin, one is a fruit vampire, one likes to imagine cruel and unusal totures, that one's name is Bob the VI.


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