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double penised rusky

Started by oldbill4823, March 12, 2009, 05:10:01 AM

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Continuing the theme of penile mutations i thought i'd include the following article found in Telegraph uk.

A baby boy has been born with two penises in Russia.

The child, named only as Artyom G, was born two weeks ago after a normal pregnancy in which medics did not detect any problems.

But he has now undergone hours of complicated surgery at St Vladimir's Children's Clinical Hospital.

British doctors perform world's first robot surgeryThe boy was rushed from his maternity hospital to the specialist Moscow clinic where he underwent the length operation to join the two penises.

"The surgery was complicated. We had to form one penis out of two, make the abdominal wall and create a bladder," said a doctor involved in the five hour operation.

"When our colleagues asked for help we said yes immediately but we couldn't imagine the case would be so complicated."

According the The Sun, the hospital said that the baby is now in good health and the surgery a complete success.

"He will grow into a normal man and be able to have kids," the doctor added.

In June last year, a baby was born with a second penis on his back

The baby was born to farmer dad Li Jun, 30, and his unnamed wife, who live in Hejian city in central China's Henan province - the rare condition is called fetus in fetu .

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