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The Krypt Kiddies

Started by prezhorusin04, January 11, 2007, 12:38:18 AM

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There are different brands of dolls like these. I've got various 'toys', but have never spent the $20 bucks for a "Krypt Kiddie"...

So many toys, so little $$$..... :-P

They'll never beat the 'Garbage Pail Kids' though...

What kind of a f*cked up marketing campaign was that?! Are they homeless kids, aborted babies, or wth?! :?



What's silver and red and waddles into walls?
A hungry zombie baby with forks in its eyes.

What's bald, has big clacking teeth, and wobbles?
A zombie baby wearing the dentures of an elderly woman whose brains it just ate.

What's 18 inches long, red, yellow and makes women scream?
A zombie baby chomping the head off the family parakeet.

What's funnier than a zombie baby?
A zombie baby dressed as Dan Rather.

What's black and white and red all over?
A nun being devoured by Satanic zombie babies.

What's red and gray and splashes?
A zombie baby playing in a puddle of brains.

How do you put a zombie baby to sleep?
Decapitate it, set it on fire, and scatter the ashes.

What's grosser than nailing a zombie baby to a post?
Watching it pull itself off and then try and eat you.

What's blue, red, and goes "pop"?
A zombie baby exploding out of Cookie Monster's belly.

What's red, and covered in ribbons?
Zombie baby playing in intestines.

What's the difference between a truckload of bowling balls and one of zombie babies?
The bowling balls don't try and bite off your fingers when you unload them.

What's the best gift to give a zombie baby?
A zombie puppy.

What's green, blue, red, and tastes funny?
A zombie baby eating a clown.

What's white and red and wears rubber gloves?
A doctor being eaten alive by a zombie baby.

What's red and sits in a high chair?
A zombie baby eating a twitching, human foot.

What did the Mommy Aborigine say to the Daddy Aborigine?
"A zombie baby ate my dingo!"

What's cuter than a zombie baby?
A zombie baby with a bunny head in its mouth.


Quote from: prezhorusin04 on January 11, 2007, 12:38:18 AM

You find some really kewl stuff prez

I told my kids if they did not behave I was going to get them these dolls for christmas  :-o
What do you want, you moon-faced assassin of joy?

We walk in the dark places no others will enter. We stand on the bridge and no-one may pass. We live for the One, we die for the One

rave phillaphia

why do they have to be so expensive... I want one so badly now but it is over $250. Thats a crazy amount for a doll... it makes me sad... she is just like me red hair and all. I don't have demon horns but....  <^>


I bet you could make one on your own for about $25 bucks, if you really wanted to... <^>

Mr. Kreepy

I've been a fan of the Krypt Kiddies for quite some time now, though as others in this thread have said, they're ridiculously expensive.
I hope to be able to make dolls of that level of detail some day, though it'll take a lot of practice.

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