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cloning yourself

Started by oldbill4823, November 27, 2008, 12:09:25 PM

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Would you clone yourself.

yes please absolutely
2 (20%)
no never ever ever ever
5 (50%)
undecided dithering
1 (10%)
other. Well tell us!
2 (20%)

Total Members Voted: 7


Ok folks the technology is nearly here.
Would you?
Why not?
What would put you off?

Tell us about it here.

Regina Terra

I posted other, I think cloning should only be done when absolutely necessary. If everybody went about cloning ourselves, then the result (a-sexual reproduction) would make our species stagnate and die off.
Gabriel, "Don't kill yourself for it would crush my angelic heart. I love you for who you are and I'm glad I met you. :]"

"I'm going to break him, and there will be blood."

Mr. Kreepy

Reggie, you are very much the naysayer when it comes to this sort of thing. Why is that? Don't you think that the scientists in charge of the creation of cloning technology and facilities would make sure to be careful of over-reliance on it? Don't you think there'd be councils and laws and such formed to monitor these things?
Also, why does a-sexual reproduction necessarily equal stagnation in your mind? And why do you think stagnation equals extinction? Last time I checked the only thing that presents the human race with a survival risk was ourselves.
Another thing I don't think you consider is that sexual reproduction in humans leads to the "bad" traits being dominant and the good traits getting thrown to the side in favor of sickliness, pathological xenophobia and hatred, and parasitic tendencies. The point is, any idiot scumbag with a penis can boink an idiot scumbag with a lovebox and pop out a little drooling, slimey, smelly baby idiot scumbag.
However, with cloning there would be screening and testing and genetic counseling and all that lovely oh-so-Orwellian stuff. Guess what that means? Regina, you would be rejected for cloning. I would be rejected for cloning. Pretty much EVERYONE would be rejected for cloning.
So please, let the genetic inferiority of the majority of the human race alleviate your fears of extinction. In all probability, we're screwed anyway, but at least not because of cloning.
Now, with that worthless little tangent out of the way, let's get :focus: shall we?
I would definitely have myself cloned. As a narcissist of the absolute worst kind, I imagine that he would be my best friend, companion, and the best f*ck I've ever had :laugh:
Soon after creating the first one, I would create more...and more...and MORE!!!! Then I'd take over the world with my army of Klones and be the supreme commander of the human race. After a hundred years of a glorious Kreepy Dynasty, one of the Kreepy Klones on the lowest rung of the staus ladder would slowly rise in power and gain followers and we'd have an epic battle to the death. Upon defeating me he would then outlaw cloning forever and humanity would live happily ever after.

Then after waking up from this feverish nightmare brought on by rancid whiskey, cheap weed, and crappy Scifi Channel b-movies, I'd probably knock back a few painkillers and sleeping pills and go back to bed.
If anyone is still reading at this point, I'll kindly have to ask you to forgive me for my idiotic rambling and just shake your head in pity at the poor little monkey man with the brain damage.
Oh, and, seriously...GET A LIFE. If you actually read all this you need a new hobbie or something. Damn.


I am currently undecided on the subject.
I think I'd like to see more argument both ways before I make up my mind on it.


Yes, I would like to have a clone. After all, who would be a better partner in crime than myself.  :lol: But seriously, I could get a lot more stuff accomplished at one time if there were two of me. At times, it would also be nice to have someone on the outside looking in that knows as much about the way I feel and think as I do.

On the other hand, different life experiences creates different people. Eventually you will just have a different person running around with your face and DNA, which may not be a good thing.

Mr. Kreepy

Quote from: Chaos on November 28, 2008, 08:31:45 PM
On the other hand, different life experiences creates different people. Eventually you will just have a different person running around with your face and DNA, which may not be a good thing.

That's certainly an interesting point, Chaos.
It actually reminds me of the Multiple Man, Jamie Madrox, from X-Men. He can replicate himself at will, and there was a series where he had replicated himself so many times that there were clones of himself all over the world. Each one of them had a different, unique life experience and personality, and most of them didn't want to be reabsorbed back into him when he decided he had enough.
As outlandish as it may sound, it would be strange to see a clone that would defy the original and think differently.
Personally, I wouldn't mind it. Any clone of mine would have my ability to see all sides of an issue and just not care either way, and I can imagine that would lead us both to agreeing most of the time. :laugh:


Hmmmmmm.  . . No matter what you do a clone would be differnet then you, in both personality and looks, you'd at best be as similiar as identical twins and even that would be a stretch as there would be at least a two years age difference between you and the clone, you know I recently read a book that covers such a thing, it's called genisis alpha I believe, I don't remember who wrote it though. . .
I have multiple personalities, one is a were-Sheepenguin, one is a fruit vampire, one likes to imagine cruel and unusal totures, that one's name is Bob the VI.



at first, "never ever" is the choice creeping in my mind..

but, when i think of science and the future, i just answer other..


i have only one question..

can i clone myself not really me?

maybe, some few characteristics that i don't want in me..

i just want to clone myself to be a perfect one..

is it possible?

"argh...I am murdered by CONTENTMENT. It stabbed me to death..."


  Never would I curse the world with anouther like me, it would not survive.  Mr Kreepy would rule over all, I dare say I would become so fed up with it, well, lets leave it there shall we........

  And I read your entire post Kreep, and far from needing a new hobby, I find myself entertained by your rants.
In remembrance of Moonbaby, one of the brightest and most glorious stars to ever grace the Monstrous community.  Missed you will be, forgotten NEVER.


The closer you get to light, the greater your shadow becomes.
But don't be afraid. And don't forget...
You hold the mightiest weapon of all.
-Kingdom Hearts


Lol... Cloning myself... Feels weird to see my other self.
Fire in the hole!?


On one hand a clone would make things quicker, easier and in general more efficient however a clone isn't the only extra pair of hands you could hire. A clone could do all the jobs that you hate but must do yourself however they would be a living person, fully conscious and aware and would probably get tired of such a life.

On the other hand, cloning could screw up evolution by throwing it into less qualified hands however it has been said that our reliance on technology is causing us to 'devolve' in a sense (dumber, weaker etc) anyway.

If anything cloning could provide some fantastic information regarding the nature vs nurture debate, we could know once and for all what is learned and genetic. That would need to be done on a much larger scale anyway but if there was such a project, I'd sign up for it eagerly.

So yes, I'd clone myself but it would depend on the circumstances...
She says that all energy is only borrowed; at some point you have to return it.

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