
It is perfectly monstrous the way people go about nowadays saying things against one, behind one's back, that are absolutely and entirely true. - Oscar Wilde

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Belief in God...

Started by elleagwire, November 05, 2006, 06:19:12 PM

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My friend is  going through a huge why-believe-in-God phase, not because she hates God or anything, but she's just wondering why people really believe in God. ( that inculdes me of course )For example, She sorta hope that God exists, but that doesn't mean that she  believes God exists. Thus, I told her that  Belief means "I'm pretty sure he's there". Hope means "I really know there is God ". ... except agnosticism is cool because you can probably come up with cooler theories Tongue.  She didn't buy it!

Any thoughts at all?

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you know those sea monkeys we could get when we where kids? we'd hatch them and watch them grow up....and eventually.....get bored of them, we interacted less and less with them, until one day they just kind, what if our sea monkeys had the power and reasources to survive, and fend for themselves even long after you forget about them? what if they had enough reasources to last millions of years?

anyone see my point?
Music may tame the savage beast, but not as fast as a brick to the back of the head.




Music may tame the savage beast, but not as fast as a brick to the back of the head.


why believe in Gd?

of all the things to believe in out there...shouldn't that placed faith be something beneficial to our self?

Gd is a personal relationship between that person's heart and Him, all the badgering, bashing and preaching will do nothing; but make them more resistant and rebellious, despising anything to do with Him or those who wish to serve Him. 

I believe in Gd, not because he stood before me and said I Am, not because i was witnessed or saw the light,  but because i finally opened up to the possibility and felt him in a personal way;  if i never knew life without Him, how would i have appreciatetd life with Him and all he's done for me, no matter what horrible deeds i've done?

most i'm sure, won't agree with my advice and thoughts, however;

be there to support and encourage her to not do anything too stupid, but if she's been set forth into the world to discover, seek and question, think of it like spiritual college; all parents like their children educated, not all parents agree with what their children wish to learn, but the smart children come out, smarter; no matter the lesson. 

He'll know when a person has learned everything they can to understand and before they go over the edge, He'll reach out to them, not having to wrestle with their doubt and suspicion, but be able to completely fill them with His love...they'll be hungry for it and more able to withstand the world of man; not because they were coherced or raised to worship Him, but because they chose to accept and welcome Him; back into their life.

and if not, whatever happens was their choice...they should know their options, at that point.
"The world that God made is inherently comprised of relationships, symmetries, analogia, anagogy, poetic wisdom. Thus is the language of symbolism."




Jordyn said it all......    :wink:


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