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My Belief in God and Other High Beings

Started by M Sidhe, March 16, 2007, 06:37:51 PM

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M Sidhe

My belief is that beings that are all powerful to a certain extent can only be strong, great, and almighty when other lesser races and mortals worship them. Without these prayers and signs of worship they loose their power and become a weaker form. People may believe, but they do not worship leads them to become small and withered. Like the Pagan Gods of the British Isles became small beings called Fairies with magical powers, but could not influence the human race as much as they did when they were worshiped. (The Fairies had a chance to wipe out 1/3 of the Human Race, but I'm not going into here...)

They are believed in which keeps them in existence, but if not worshipped will cause them to "fall from grace" if you will. That is to simplify of what I'm saying, I wanted to know what others thought of my belief system.


It's actually a belief system I have not heard much about before, though it makes basic sense.  Not exactly what I believe, of course, but I certainly think it is interesting.  It seems that many Gods have lost their power, then...

M Sidhe

I also believe God of Jewish, Muslim, and Christianty is the God of all Gods. His name is his title, God... I began to believe this when I heard this about Zues, he was the God of all Gods for Greece and Roman mythology, so I added that to my belief system. So I believe in many gods, but one God watches over all things. It is very hard to explain so if you don't understand try to bare with me.


I understand perfectly what you're saying, as that part *is* similar to my beliefs. However, I do not hold that the Christian, etc. God is above all others, but rather that there is an overlaying entity or concept all its own encompassed by the many Gods and Goddesses of the world.  A sort of conduit for belief of any sort, if you will.  It's a bit confusing, I'm aware, but I hope you gather a least a bit of my general meaning.

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