
Tell us, pray, what devil
This melancholy is, which can transform
Men into monsters... - John Ford

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The watchers

Started by 12purewizard, August 06, 2008, 01:41:24 PM

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I'm glad that you've found someone that interests you....... unfortunately that man you have found is not I.
I assume he is quite confused at your attempts to gain his attention with that burning phone book.
The closer you get to light, the greater your shadow becomes.
But don't be afraid. And don't forget...
You hold the mightiest weapon of all.
-Kingdom Hearts


No - if the bible is trueth/ then we still have some time.  The Beast or Dragon of the end times wont apear till there is one world order/ one world money system.  And Isreal still has to rebuild its church before that will take place.  For it is in the new church that the Anti Christ will proclame himself to be the lord of this world.  So untill I here some news that Isreal is starting to rebuild its church- I'm not going to fear over any ocults or groups.  The bible states that there will be many who clame to be god- or followers. And many others who will start rumers of war.
I don't make sense - I got my pride
Don't need no meaning
I feel no shame - I will not believe
I got no choice - I'm out of control
And I love it

Andrea Warfare

Doesn't there also have to be a huge world war? How would one go about surviving this anyway? And if God was a true and just God why would he "flush" us out of this earth again? I thought he had promised to never do it again after the ark was made for Moses and the animals to live while all the people who lived in sin drowned to death...
We are all unique.You my dear are uniquely non-unique.


Well bible states- that he (God) will never flood the world again/ not that there will never be another biblical disaster.  What revalations states - is the water wool actualy drie up into pools of blood- plants and animals will start dieing making peditor animals find new sources of food- Humans.  More people will be dieing from sikness and starving. There will be a super earthquake. And one third of the stars from the sky will fall to earth.   But there is still alot that needs to happen before all that can even start.
There are three phases of the end times.  We are still in the time known as the Church Phase.  When we hit the end of this phase/ Isreal would have rebuilt its great church as,( the last church ) And the Anti Christ will make it his palace.  Next is the tribulation Phase ( were god will start the great disasters  and the Anti Christ will  rule 7 years as a king ). The first 3  1/2 years he will make peace with Isreal-- In the second 3 1/2 years- he will break his aliance and call war to Isreal.
The last phase is the 1,000 Year Kingdom of God.
During this phase every human who ever lived will be juged before god- The good will live with god in the Golden Kingdom for a 1,000 years/ all the sins will be cast to hell.  And after the 1,000 years God will make a new world- for all his choosen people.

But this is only the bibles view.
I don't make sense - I got my pride
Don't need no meaning
I feel no shame - I will not believe
I got no choice - I'm out of control
And I love it

Andrea Warfare

Well bible states- that he (God) will never flood the world again/ not that there will never be another biblical disaster.  What revalations states - is the water wool actualy drie up into pools of blood- plants and animals will start dieing making peditor animals find new sources of food- Humans.  More people will be dieing from sikness and starving. There will be a super earthquake. And one third of the stars from the sky will fall to earth.   But there is still alot that needs to happen before all that can even start. There are three phases of the end times.  We are still in the time known as the Church Phase.  When we hit the end of this phase/ Isreal would have rebuilt its great church as,( the last church ) And the Anti Christ will make it his palace.  Next is the tribulation Phase ( were god will start the great disasters  and the Anti Christ will  rule 7 years as a king ). The first 3  1/2 years he will make peace with Isreal-- In the second 3 1/2 years- he will break his aliance and call war to Isreal.The last phase is the 1,000 Year Kingdom of God.During this phase every human who ever lived will be juged before god- The good will live with god in the Golden Kingdom for a 1,000 years/ all the sins will be cast to hell.  And after the 1,000 years God will make a new world- for all his choosen people.But this is only the bibles view.

Ok,so I need to look out for Isreal rebuilding its "mecca church",someone ruling the entire world at first he will appear to be a hero and then turn his back on it true that the Bible says that Demons will walk the earth? Sounds funny, but I believe that is the day zombies will walk the earth...
We are all unique.You my dear are uniquely non-unique.


Im not really thinking of Zombies- but more creatures of old-- And the return of the Biblical Nephilim/ yes demons will rise up once more// have sex with humans and from it will once again create the Giants of the past. But I think the demons will look just like humans- how better to trick a world into worshiping the Devil.  No one would want to pray to a Zombie king.   
I don't make sense - I got my pride
Don't need no meaning
I feel no shame - I will not believe
I got no choice - I'm out of control
And I love it

Andrea Warfare

Wow,Demon sex? Naughty.Would this be more like Demon rape though? I mean yeah I don't want to pray to a zombie king and I'm pretty sure I don't wanna have sex with a gnarly grotesque demon
We are all unique.You my dear are uniquely non-unique.


True true- but as we have come to find out/ even demons can be loved.  I promise that when the end dose come. Thousands will love the Devil and all of his lies.  For isnt that how every person gets a person of the opisite sex to fall for them.  By tell them sweet things that they want to hear- and trying to be better than what the may be.  Demons dont always appear as demons.  Some will look like angels or people of beauty.  honestly would you let a homless scabby pale skinned sick looking person come near you as even get close to touch you.  No----- You would rather let your dream girl/guy bang the hell out of you- just as long as it is someone you find to be beautifull.  Demons would rather look like the must beautifull and lustfull person on the street.
I don't make sense - I got my pride
Don't need no meaning
I feel no shame - I will not believe
I got no choice - I'm out of control
And I love it

rave phillaphia

too bad that most of the bible is just interpretation and different translations create different beliefs. 

The Nephilim I really don't think that they are the ones who will be raised up there are plenty of other demons out there. The end of days really depends on what texts you read and believe in. Personally I don't think anyone can predict what will happen. We will see. I think people should stop focusing on how they are going to die and start focusing on how they can change stuff like stop pollution and stop destroying the earth. There have been many people who make claims about the end of days and it never comes true. We can predict on an individual level but not really so much on a grand scale unless we are talking about climate changes and the weather and global warming.

I feel like we Christians have got it all wrong in worship of God I mean almost everyday we break some of the most basic rules of the covenant. And we argue saying that we are allowed to do this when even Jesus respected those rules and followed them, except for once he didn't (when he healed a blind man on sabbath). The people who tell us to break those rules of the covanant are the ones who wrote about Jesus and never had met him. I think it's a whole money scam and we loose sight on family and communal aspects.

But anywho yes God made a coven with Noah saying he would never flood the world again but Noah's people broke their end of the deal and so well... God doesn't have to respect that coven since it was broken.

Zombies from movies is a crazy idea... brain eating dead/living things that have only basic functions. The root zombie idea came from the Voodoo culture and it was reanimated dead that were slaves under a spell by Voodoo leaders. But Voodoo leaders were protected by canabalistic women. So canabalistic women + zombies + Hollywood and misinformed writers = George Romero's Zombies. It's interesting because he never actually called them zombies he called them gouls and the living dead. It wasn't until the late 60s and early 70s that the 'zombie' coined name was placed on them.

And no you can't rape the willing... that is a fact lol so demons can't force you to have sex right?


remember though, we cannot ever fathom when the apocalypse will suffice, it is only in gods knowledge

So I have been reading the bible recently and I have been focused on the four main areas concerning the end, Daniel, Ezekiel, Mathew, and of course revelations.
so Based on connections and certain statements I have came to a very annoying conclusion.
In Daniel when God says that no man will know the ends coming until it comes, God was not lying, regardless of how much we study we will never know when it will happen and this is for obvious reasons.
To simply put it, this is caused by a flaw in time
we abide by a linear time system that we developed to help organize our world, well this universe does not abide by this system, and even further God does not abide by either our simplistic system nor the mysterious universal time system that he designed.
In Ezekiel it says that the end will come for a time, a times, and half a time
this to me means present, future, and past
I believe that God can intercept the world at anytime during the universes history and because he has this power the time of the end is in god hand within gods time
now because of this I believe the apocalypse will happen during all time
every instance of time will feel the same experience.
this means that the dinosaurs and the prehistoric man and the advanced men of the future as well as us in our present time will all see the same thing at the same time in the universe's discourse
and because God will have this happen at the planned time within his time we can never know but when it happens all people who are living now, have lived and will live will feel it during their own lifetime
it is confusing but then again shouldnt it be?

this is from my topic about this matter
Death is not a sanction of life but a side effect of incomplete design. I will not suffer at the hands of a mold without a mind; we shall break this limitation!


Silly boy above me just used an apocalyptic version of Schrodinger's cat. For those who didn't get the massive jumble of misused verbs and biblical hoo-ha.

It basically means that freewill creates infinite future scenarios and will do so for every scenario afterward. That everything possible is happening all at once but since our timelines do not intersect we don't really see the other stuff happen as we are native to our own.

Just think of an infinite corridor mirror trick that extends everywhere and you got the gist of it.

This also suggests that time travel will not change anything in your past present or future as all possibilities exists at once and that navigating time while subject to its flow is too hard for linear thinking beings/ machines.

BUT take heart! That means that your full potential is as infinite as it comes!.......... subject to time of course. loser.

this is also off topic me thinks. :banplea:
The closer you get to light, the greater your shadow becomes.
But don't be afraid. And don't forget...
You hold the mightiest weapon of all.
-Kingdom Hearts


silly boy above me is coy enough to believe time travel possible... I mean in some definitions of the concept maybe but you forget that we do not even understand time
that silly clock you worship was created by us to organize and has no relevant meaning at all to what time really is and that is for an obvious reason. We cannot know time. We did not create this universe so all we can do is observe we can never understand the true mechanics, functions, properties, or design of it, because we did not design it.
It is true that higher consciousness can allow you to do truly incredible things however at the highest point the only true nature of it is to connect with the forces that govern this universe, ut to do that you must give up your humanity because you become higher, you would not waste time on a forum... which means I nor you nor anyone on this forum has attained the ability (or if they do they are truly odd)
And I (for the record lol) was only offering insight I had into the matter that was being discussed, I personally do not believe God has any plan for ending the earth nor the universe.
Death is not a sanction of life but a side effect of incomplete design. I will not suffer at the hands of a mold without a mind; we shall break this limitation!

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